Settling Down No longer hunting and gathering
What conditions allowed some hunters and gatherers to settle down?
A surplus of food Are we hungry? Do some people starve? Do we wonder whether we will have food every day?
A steady water supply Will we have to walk long distances to get water? Will our water supply dry up?
Grasslands Is there enough grass to feed our domesticated animals? Is there enough grassland so that wild animals will come to eat it, and we can hunt them?
Materials to make permanent homes Do we have natural materials to make our homes? Will the materials help keep us safe? Will the materials last in bad weather? Will we be able to cook inside our houses?
Few natural disasters Does Humbaba or his relatives live nearby? Will rivers near our houses and crops flood? Are the storms so strong that they will damage our houses and/or crops? Are damaging earthquakes common near us?
Good climate Is the weather good for growing crops? Is the weather good for raising animals? Does the wind damage our crops and houses? Does the wind blow down our crops? Does the sun kill our plants? Is the sun so strong that we have to bring our animals inside?
Natural protection Is there any part of nature that will protect us against our enemies? Is there anything in nature that will discourage our enemies from attacking?
Good land and good soil (dirt) Do plants grow well in our soil? Do the plants that we like to eat grow well in our soil? Do our healing plants grow well in our soil? Does the plant food for our animals grow well?
Do we have a reliable food and water source? Can you count on it?