A Single Octave 32 kHz Auditory Output Device
By: Erick Ruiz Jeffrey Rollman UCSD COSMOS Cluster 1-Adventures in Embedded Computer Systems August 1, 2008 Prof. Rajesh Gupta Prof. Choon Kim Teacher Fellow- Shirley Miranda T.A.- Arash Arfaee T.A.- Bridget Benson
Roadmap Purpose/Motivation Problems Hypothesis Procedures Hardware/Software Results Demo Future Works Conclusions
Purpose/Motivation Create a digital entertainment device using the PSoC circuit board Create a user friendly interface for device operation Motivation: PSoC circuit board is relatively low cost and can serve as a universal platform for future consumer devices
Problem Can a PSoC device be programmed to allow for auditory output? Is it possible to create a workable external CapSensing device that can overcome issues associated with accuracy, signal loss and wiring difficulties? How can reliable pin connections be maintained with the large number of pins needed?
Hypotheses PSoC Designer 5.0 can be used to program a digital entertainment device An external CapSensing device can be created on Plexiglas acrylic Input from CapSense can create an output of varying sounds from PSoC circuit board
Procedures 1.Open PSoC Designer 5 and create new Chip Level Project and select the chip CY8C LFXI in the catalog. Be sure to select C as the Main file. 2.Go to User Modules on the left side of the main page: Capsense CSD CSD with PRS16 right-click place Ok. 3.Change the Properties of CSD: Scanning Speed: fast, Resolution: 9. 4.Right-Click CSD CSD Wizard fix your settings according to your necessities of your board. i.e.: 2 buttons, 1 slider: then drag and drop the port and pin number on the boxes. 5.Add buzzer: user modules PWMs PWM8 place right-click PWM8 then fix global properties and PWM8 properties for your board. 6.Get your configuration files: Build Generate Configuration files for all. 7.On Workspace Explorer got to the last folder and click on the + then the + on the Source Files and open Main.C. 8.Edit the Main.C and add the C Program. 9.Build Generate/Build all Projects then Program your board with PSoC programmer. Be sure to have IMAGECRAFT set in Tools Options. In Programmer be sure you have selected Family 24X94 then in Device Choose CY8C LFXI. The file load “yourproject.hex” and the click Program. 10.Lightly touch the Capsense button and listen for the buzzer go off.
Hardware/Software PSoC CY3214 circuit board Auditory amplifier (buzzer) Copper electric tape Assorted wires and capacitors Acrylic Plexiglas boards MiniProg programming device PSoC Designer 5.0 software (C language) PSoC Programmer software A Windows computer to program the device
Results An Earlier Stage of Development The Final Keyboard Prototype The Completed Keyboard Attached to PSoC CY3214
Future Works Acrylic Guitar Created at Cluster 2’s Labs at EBU 2 Gibson ES 335 Model Problems Wire has too much interference Wire cannot be longer than 3”- 5” PSoC board does not have enough pins for that amount of frets.
Conclusion A user-friendly embedded systems interface can be created with a PSoC circuit board More than one octave is not possible due to wire interference and noise The number of features and octaves is limited by the number of available ports