Stormy Sixties Chapter 39: Pt
NEW FRONTIER Kennedys = glamour, vitality “wiz” kids: Bobby, Attny General; McNamara, Sec of Defense Peace Corp
Ask not what your country can do for your country. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans
Domestic Programs Not a strong Democratic support in Congress, Southern Democrats not on his side Medical and education bills stall Put support behind tax cuts Promises to put a man on the moon
Europe/Africa Soviets construct Berlin Wall Lowered tariffs to promote trade with the Common Market Send $$ but no troops to Congo to help control violence Doesn’t want to be caught in “Massive Retaliation,” increases spending on ground troops, special forces (Green Barets)
Vietnam Used conference in Geneva to try to stop Laos Civil War Diem’s government in S. Vietnam not getting it done, Kennedy orders more “military advisors” Eventually gave up on Diem and probably helped coup
Cuba Went ahead with pre-planned Bay of Pigs- --major failure 10/62 spy planes see missiles in Khrushchev backed Cuba Naval quarantine used “eyeball to eyeball” Soviet’s blink, deal made prob. Costs NK his job, JFK urges a way to peacefully coexist
Civil Rights Promised to end discrimination with “the stroke of a pen” Freedom Riders force JFK to support Civil Rights Movement Fed Marshalls sent in when U of Miss integrated March on Washington
JFK’s Death Lee Harvey Oswald, Dallas, 11/22/63 Many cry, some cheer LBJ sworn in on plane Camelot Kennedy programs become more achievable