WELCOME Click The Spinning Wheel To Enter The spinning wheel logo graphic at left was created by Rejyna using Adobe TypeAlign, Photoshop & Image Ready.
DVD Introduction Clip This is the :38 intro clip from Rejyna’s DVD Portfolio. Illustrator, Photoshop, PrintScreen & Pinnacle Studio were used to create the original 720x480 clip. Adobe Premiere was used to convert it to Windows Media Format for use in this and other presentations. 00_Intro_RMDDPP320.wmv The accompanying music was also written, performed & produced by Rejyna, who also did the main voice-over & created &/or compiled the sound effects
Magazine Ads & Publications 001a_MagAdPubs_RMDDPP320.wmv This 1766KB :42 clip from Rejyna’s DVD Portfolio features her original digital photography, as well as her DTP work done using Quark, Illustrator and Photoshop. Pinnacle Studio was used to create the original 720x480 clip and Premiere was used to convert it to Windows Media Format for use in this and other presentations. The accompanying music was also written, performed and produced by Rejyna
Magazine Article Layout 001b_MagArtclDTP_RMDDPP320.wmv This 678K :19 clip from Rejyna’s DVD Portfolio features charts, graphs & screenshots, combined with benchmarks & related copy from a LightWavePro magazine article on the state-of-the-art performance of the DEC Alpha system featuring RISC technology. DTP work was done using Quark, Illustrator and Photoshop. Pinnacle Studio was used to create the original 720x480 clip and Premiere was used to convert it to Windows Media Format for use in this and other presentations. The accompanying music was also written, co-performed and produced by Rejyna
Menu, Newsletter, Periodical Ads & PR, Book Covers, Training, Manual & Marketing DTP 001c_MnuNwsTrnMktg_RMDDPP320.wmv This 2394K :58 clip from Rejyna’s DVD Portfolio features material created for a wide variety of clients. Comp-to-finals, Rejyna’s DTP work was done using Illustrator or Freehand, PageMaker or Quark, Illustrator & Photoshop & Acrobat. Pinnacle Studio was used to create the original 720x480 clip and Premiere was used to convert it to Windows Media Format for use in this and other presentations. The accompanying music was also written, co- performed and produced by Rejyna
Sales & Marketing Presentations, Materials & Collateral 001d_SlsMktgPresntns_RMDDPP320.wmv This 3487K 1:32 clip from Rejyna’s DVD Portfolio features material created for a wide variety of clients. Comp-to-finals, Rejyna’s DTP work was done using Word, Excel, Illustrator, Corel or Freehand, PageMaker, InDesign or Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop & Acrobat. Corporate Business Forms, Sales Kits, Spec Sheets, Merchandise Graphics, Direct Mail & Project Printing Pinnacle Studio was used to create the original 720x480 clip and Premiere was used to convert it to Windows Media Format for use in this and other presentations. The accompanying music was also written, co- performed and produced by Rejyna
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