Interesting Facts: 9 November 1989 The Berlin Wall was knocked down. It was built on the night of August 1961 around West Berlin and was over 100 miles long. The Wall separated East Berlin from West Berlin. 11 November Armistice Day: On the 11 November 1918 the signing of a peace agreement ended World War One, and now on the 11 November each year, people remember those who gave their lives in both World War One and World War Two as well as many other conflicts by wearing a poppy.
What’s on this week? Monday 9.15Business Meeting Tuesday All DayP1 – P5 Fluoride Varnishing 11.20P6 Piping 11.50P7 Piping 1.15Swimming – 7M 3.00 Chess Club P5-P7
What’s on this week?? Wednesday All DayP1 – P5 Fluoride Varnishing 3.00Supa Club P5-P7 GP Room Netball P6 + P7 Infant Hall 3.15Netball Nippers P2 PE Hall Thursday All DayChildren in Need Danceathon – PE Hall All DayFlu Immunisation P1 – P Eco Club GP Room 2
What’s on this week?? Friday All DayChildren in Need
Meet “Buddy” Bear. He really loves wearing his school top so to help Buddy settle in at Papdale he will be staying in the class who win the Uniform Challenge and have the most children wearing their school tops. Every week a Games Parliament rep will come round each class to check how many children are wearing their Papdale school tops. The class who has the most will be announced at the Business Meeting and will get to keep Buddy Bear in their class for a month. Of course Buddy can come to the Business Meetings each week with the class to catch up on school news. When their month is finished the winning class will bring Buddy back to the Business Meeting and do a short “Buddy Broadcast” to tell everyone why they should wear a Papdale School top before Buddy gets passed on to the new class winners. We didn’t want Buddy to get lonely and felt he should go into a class right away so we did our first check around the classes last week and we are pleased to announce the first winners of the Uniform Challenge who will have Buddy in their class for the rest of November are…1M! Could we ask the Class Teacher to come and collect Buddy. And remember to wear your Papdale top to school everyday so your class has a better chance of winning next month! Message from Games Parliament
Children in Need Wristbands are on sale from Monday to Thursday this week, at break time, in the foyer at £1 each. Raffle tickets are also on sale for 10p per ticket. The Colouring Competition closes on Friday 20 November. Children in Need “Pudsey Day” will be on Friday 13 November and will include events/stalls up in the P7 Classrooms. Stalls include “Disney Hoops”, “Wheel of Sportune” and many more!
Well Done to …………. Marcus for passing his Level 2 in Swimming
Buddy of the Week Samantha 7M