From last time… Explore the blue commands from the motion menu Find at least three ways to get the sprite to move to the UPPER LEFT corner
Some Sample Results
Actually, only the last one of these is GUARANTEED to work. Why?
Two kinds of motion Referential motion – where I end up and how I’m oriented depends on how I started. Absolute motion – where I end up and how I’m oriented is independent of how I started.
Some Sample Results
Adding to our “director” metaphor How to yell “Places everyone, now ACTION” How to tell a sprite to wait How to trace out our actor’s movement
Events I would like to consider the first in the Events menu: Drag this block out, and snap it on top of the blocks you already have in your script. Notice how it has a different shape than other blocks (Scratch folks call this a “hat shape” or “camel back” block. – What does the shape suggest?
Events Now, instead of having to double click on your block of code, you can just click on the flag icon to play your animation! Click here to start
Control I would also like to consider the first block in the Control menu. Drag this block out and snap it in the middle of some existing code. Run the code and observe what happens
Using The Pen When using the Pen tools, your sprite actually becomes your writing instrument! You can change the Pen’s color, its shade, and its size.
A note about saving your work First of all, shame on you. Always save your work as you go. Do make sure you save this program (preferably with a meaningful name)
Pen Challenge #1 Create at least two separate programs (a sequence of actions) so that when a program is started (the green flag is pressed) the cat – Goes to the center of the stage – Draws a square – Moves out of the way so that we can see the square
Introducing Paired Programming video