7 Elements of Culture Most Important notes!!!
I. Culture- the way of life by a group of people; A. Government- Who has the power? A. Government- Who has the power? *Levels of Government: *Levels of Government: 1.) Unitary System- National/Central Government has all the power and they create the state or provincial gov’t & gives them limited powers; (United Kingdom) 1.) Unitary System- National/Central Government has all the power and they create the state or provincial gov’t & gives them limited powers; (United Kingdom) 2.) Federal System- divides the powers of gov’t between the national gov’t and the state/provincial gov’t; (United States) 2.) Federal System- divides the powers of gov’t between the national gov’t and the state/provincial gov’t; (United States) *Types of Government: *Types of Government: 1. Democracy- the people have the power; ex. U.S.= voting; 1. Democracy- the people have the power; ex. U.S.= voting; 2. Dictatorship- one person has all the power, mainly taken by force/military; ex. North Korea 2. Dictatorship- one person has all the power, mainly taken by force/military; ex. North Korea 3. Autocracy- a single ruler has the power mainly passed down thru inheritance rule from military power; 3. Autocracy- a single ruler has the power mainly passed down thru inheritance rule from military power; 4. Monarchy- type of autocratic; a king or queen exercises supreme control of the government; (Saudi Arabia) 4. Monarchy- type of autocratic; a king or queen exercises supreme control of the government; (Saudi Arabia)
7 Elements Continued… B. Arts and Literature- How people express themselves? B. Arts and Literature- How people express themselves? *Ex. Painting, books, clothes, music, etc… *Ex. Painting, books, clothes, music, etc…
7 Elements Continued… C. Religion- What are your spiritual beliefs? C. Religion- What are your spiritual beliefs? *3 Major Religions- *3 Major Religions- 1.) Judaism- the 1 st religion to believe in one God; “Yahweh”=GOD 1.) Judaism- the 1 st religion to believe in one God; “Yahweh”=GOD -Holy Book called the Torah; 5 books of the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, -Holy Book called the Torah; 5 books of the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy; Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy; 2.) Christianity- derived from Judaism; founded by Jesus in 45 B.C. 2.) Christianity- derived from Judaism; founded by Jesus in 45 B.C. -Holy book is called the Bible; -Holy book is called the Bible; 3.) Islamic- derived from Judaism; 3.) Islamic- derived from Judaism; -Allah is the name of their GOD. -Allah is the name of their GOD. -Holy book called the Quran or Koran; Founded in the city of Mecca by Muhammad; -Holy book called the Quran or Koran; Founded in the city of Mecca by Muhammad; -Five Pillars of Islam- 1.) Fasting 2.) Prayer 3.) Hajj(pilgrimage) 4.) Faith 5.) Sharing -Five Pillars of Islam- 1.) Fasting 2.) Prayer 3.) Hajj(pilgrimage) 4.) Faith 5.) Sharing **Your Religion? Rituals within your religion?** **Your Religion? Rituals within your religion?**
7 Elements Continued…. D. Social Structure- How the family and society is organized? D. Social Structure- How the family and society is organized? - Social classes are based on ancestry, wealth, education, etc... - Social classes are based on ancestry, wealth, education, etc... -U.S. social class- upper, money-gap, middle, and lower class people within the society. -U.S. social class- upper, money-gap, middle, and lower class people within the society. Money gap- separation of economic gains between a class of people. Money gap- separation of economic gains between a class of people. How can a growing money gap hurt the U.S. civilization? How can a growing money gap hurt the U.S. civilization? How can the U.S. stop this money gap from increasing?(Two Solutions and explain) How can the U.S. stop this money gap from increasing?(Two Solutions and explain) Upper Class $200,000 and up MONEY GAP!! Middle Class $200,000 to $30,000 Lower Class Below $30,000
7 Elements Continued… E. Economic System- What people do within their society to earn a living/make money? E. Economic System- What people do within their society to earn a living/make money? - Ex. Jobs, Income, Taxes, etc… - Ex. Jobs, Income, Taxes, etc… *Types of Economic Systems *Types of Economic Systems 1. Mixed Economy(capitalism)- the government supports and regulates free enterprise through decisions that affect the marketplace; (U.S.) 2. Command Economy(communism)- the government owns the means of productions such as land, labor, factories- Controls the distribution of goods;(Saudia Arabia and North Korea) F. Language-(very important) How do people communicate? F. Language-(very important) How do people communicate? -Verbal- Your language? -Verbal- Your language? -Non-verbal- ? -Non-verbal- ? -What do dialect tell you about someone culture? -What do dialect tell you about someone culture?
7 Elements Continued… G. Customs and Traditions- How & What people celebrate? G. Customs and Traditions- How & What people celebrate? *July 4 th ? *July 4 th ? * Thanksgiving? * Thanksgiving? * December 25 th ? * December 25 th ? * Yom Kippur? * Yom Kippur?
Your Culture Elements For each of the elements of culture, write your expression and the things you do in each element of your culture. For each of the elements of culture, write your expression and the things you do in each element of your culture. Example: Language- I know several letters and signs to speak to deaf people using sign language. Example: Language- I know several letters and signs to speak to deaf people using sign language.
Canada’s Elements of Culture Give at least two examples of each element of culture that exist in Canada. Give at least two examples of each element of culture that exist in Canada. For example: Language in America-English and Spanish: For Canada, what would language be? For example: Language in America-English and Spanish: For Canada, what would language be?
Norms in Society: Explain the concept of norms. Explain the concept of norms. 1.) 1.) 2.) 2.) What is a norm that is applied to everyone in American Society? What is a norm that is applied to everyone in American Society? -Not applied to everyone in American society? -Not applied to everyone in American society? Geographical norm? Geographical norm? Selective norm? Selective norm? Two Types of Norms: Two Types of Norms: 1.) Folkways: 1.) Folkways: a.) Concept? a.) Concept? b.) Examples? b.) Examples? c.) Consequences for not abiding? c.) Consequences for not abiding? e.) Danger to society? e.) Danger to society? 2.) Mores: 2.) Mores: a.) Concept? a.) Concept? b.) Examples? b.) Examples? c.) Consequences for not abiding? c.) Consequences for not abiding? e. Danger to society? e. Danger to society?