Sometimes, we use should, could or might instead of would, for example: If I won a million dollars, I could stop working.
1. If I _______ (be) you, I _____________ (get) a new job. 2. They _____________ (go) to Spain if they _________ (speak) Spanish fluently. 3. If I ________ (speak) English perfectly, I ___________ ________ (have) a better job opportunity. 4. She ____________ (be) happier if she ________ (have) more friends with her. 5. If he _______________ (not/ marry) her, he __________ _____ (not/ be) so well today.
6. You ______________ (lose) weight if you _________ (eat) less chocolates and fast food. 7. If I ______ (be) rich, my life _______________ (change) completely. 8. We _____________ (have) great parties if my friends _______ (be) here. 9. He ________________ (not/ have) money problems if he _______________ (not/ spend) so much.
10. If I _________ (feel) better, I _________ (go) to the cinema with you to watch Dark Shadows. 11. She __________________ (not/ accept) the offer if it __________ (be) so good. 12. If my brother __________ (buy) a sports car, he ___________________ (not/ borrow) it to me. 13. I ______________ (run) around naked all day if I ________ (live) on a desert island.