Within Field Variation in Corn Response to N Fred Below Department of Crop Sciences University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Team
North South Average yield (bu acre -1 ) >120 Maurer 2002 Yield map
Prerequisites for Variable Rate N Areas of differing N response Easily identify variable areas Improve yield/reduce N use
Objective Determine the degree of variability within individual fields in their responsiveness to fertilizer N
Four farm fields near Beardstown, IL FieldAreaHybrid acres Allen 87P 31N27 Wilkey 60P 34H31 Maurer North 80P 34H31 Maurer South 80P 31N27
N treatments at Wilkey N rate (lb acre -1 )
N rate (lb acre -1 ) Sampling regions at Wilkey
Grain yield N rate (lb acre -1 ) Grain yield (bu acre -1 )
Grain yield (bu acre -1 ) at Maurer South
Grain yield N rate (lb acre -1 ) Grain yield (bu acre -1 )
Grain yield (bu acre -1 ) at Wilkey 400 Feet0 200
Grain protein (%) 400 Feet0 200 Wilkey
Grain yield (bu acre -1 ) 400 Feet0 200 Wilkey
Individual kernel weight (mg) 400 Feet0 200 Wilkey
Kernel number (no. m -2 ) 400 Feet0 200 Wilkey
What component drives yield Grain yield (bu acre -1 ) Kernel number (number m -2 ) Kernel weight (mg)
Conclusions Differing yield response to N within Farmers’ fields Variable applied N results in differing N availability Sink-driven yield response to N is a challenge for VRN