The Wonders of Corn Amy Villeda Nancy Paguay Katty Villeda
Uses Of Corn Consumption by the people Used to make liquor Also in vitamins Used to feed live stock such as pigs and chickens Used in ethanol for our cars
Environmental Consequences Modified corn produces toxins for the consumer. Fertilizers and pesticides needed to maintain the crop affects the soil. Chemicals put into soil end up in rivers or water deposits due to rain and water currents. We are growing corn on a large scale producing a lot more pollution in the air Chemicals used are a cause for the pollution in the air
Industry Out look On Corn affects Too many ways that corn is put in use, farms start to run out on the corn supply Chemicals used to produce corn is affecting the other crops surrounding it Many people are protesting against corn corporations because of cheap sale of corn
Mexico Mexico Corn Controversy Crops in the U.S are genetically modified to be resistant to insects and herbicides Mexico competes for corn exportation with the united states. When Mexican corn became contaminated the crop sells were lowered. When kernels are made unfertile the kernel sales are only restricted to government sales Poverty in Mexico is increasing due to the competition between the U.S and Mexico over the corn sale It is cheaper to import corn into Mexico from the U.S rather than purchasing organic corn from Mexico
CORN, CORN, & MORE CORN Corn is now used for more things then ever before and although it may benefit our economy it doesn’t have the best impact on the environment. Corn is used for ethanol which produces cheaper gas, cheaper gas= more cars-> more cars= pollution-> pollution= bad for environment ! Corn may have a lot of uses but one should think about the disadvantages of using corn so much, but one things for sure its good for eating ! (: