Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Triggers Tracey Berry Royal Holloway
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Outline Feedback & Suggestions on trigger Menu for the Exotics Group –e/gamma Triggers –Muon –Jet, Sum Et, Met –Tau Triggers –Combined Triggers –Summary
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th e-gamma Triggers e5 e10 g10 e10i g10i e15 g15 e15i g15i e20 g20 e25 G35 Em40 E20i G20i E25i G30i e60 Exotics group generally interested in the higher pt trigger thresholds
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th e-gamma Triggers e5 e10 g10 e10i g10i e15 g15 e15i g15i e20 g20 e25 G35 Em40 E20i G20i E25i G30i e60 Isolated triggers give poor efficiency for high pt electrons and photons L1L2 2e15i e25i e G(500 GeV)->ee Trigger eff in % after kine cuts of 2 electrons in | |<2.5 Add plot Worse for 2e*i triggers than e*1 triggers
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th e-gamma Triggers: g60? e5 e10 g10 e10i g10i e15 g15 e15i g15i e20 g20 e25 g35 em40 e20i g20i e25i g30i e60 Is there going to be a g60 trigger? This is the most efficient trigger for the Z’ and G searches in ee and gg channel?! Z’(1000) ee (DS 5605) in % after kine cuts (2 electrons in | |<2.5) Very similar performance as for G ee triggerEF*triggerL2 2e15i88.72g20i12.9 e25i52.1g e triggerEF 2g20i41.7 g From Monika Wieler’s talk 21/3/07 G(500) event with two gamma in | |<2.5 (DS 5623) Change table to one from Matthew’s talks g60 trigger more efficient than e60 for high mass (500 GeV) Z’/G samples
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th e-gamma Triggers: loose e60/e120? e20 g20 e25 g35 Em40 e20i g20i e25i g30i e60 Prehaps in future also would like a loose e60 trigger and or a non-prescaled e120 (just ET plus track in front of calo) and/or g120 trigger (for Z’/G searches) with no isolation g60 trigger more efficient than e60 even for high mass ee samples: The EF cuts for e60 may be somewhat tight for high Pt e Prehaps could drop the track requirement for electrons. e60 - e60 and g60 trigger for G/Z’/ T- > ee/ gg and most Exotics searches involving a high pt lepton
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th e/gamma trigger Summary 1) We need a NEVER-TO-BE-PRESCALED single e and photon trigger If there is an e60 – does it mean that the e25 rate is expected to be such that a prescale will be necessary? –If so we also need a g60 (or g40 – whatever will have a rate allowing it to run unprescaled for the lifetime of the trigger list)
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th object e/gamma Triggers 2e5 e5_e10 2e10 2g10 2e10i 2g10i 2e15 2e15i 2e20 2e20i – Z’/G->ee poor efficiency due to isolation constraint – even worse requiring 2 isolated electrons than for single object trigger e20_XE15 Add plot here for 2e25i Probably use single e/g triggers rather than double for most exotics searches
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Muons Triggers MU4 MU6 MU10 MU15 MU20 MU40 – good for Z’/G, T ->mm, leptoquark searches 2MU4 2MU6 2MU10 2MU15 2MU20
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Jets/Sum Jet ET/MET L1_TE100 L1_TE200 L1_TE304 L1_TE L1_JE20 L1_JE80 L1_JE172 L1_JE256 - unprescaled L1_XE12 L1_XE20 L1_XE24 L1_XE32 L1_XE36 L1_XE44 L1_XE52 L1_XE72 Prescaled so not so good for black holes Not prescaled so good for black holes in combination with/OR’ed with other high pt lepton triggers and MET -> good for Monojet search: combine Jet+MET Prescaled so not so good for leptons+MEt searches Not prescaled: so good for leptons+MEt searches: signal 50 GeV lepton+ 50 GeV MET. Typical trigger combined: lepton+MET (e60 and mu20 or mu40) Or jet +MET (MET only triggers require too high thresholds) Useful for black holes?! – or too much QCD bkgd? Jet triggers useful for background studies
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Single Tau Triggers PS Tau10 - Tau10i- Tau15150? Tau15i60 Tau15itau15i_PT 7000 Tau20i- Tau25i- Tau35i2 Tau451 Tau45i- Tau60- Prescaled triggers not useful for searches For Z’ tau tau
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Double Tau Triggers 2tau10i 2tau15i 2tau15i_PT 2tau20i Tau10i_tau25i Tau10i_tau35i Tau10i_MET40 Tau15i_MET32 Tau15i_MET20 Tau25i_MET20 Tau35i_MET20 Tau35i_MET40 Tau10i_e10i Tau15i_e10i Tau10i_e15i Tau10i_mu6 Tau10i_mu10 Tau15i_mu6 Tau15i_mu10 Tau10i_jetXX Tau15i_jetXX Tau15i_bjetXX Are these triggers useful to us? – they are not prescaled Would we use these for Z->tautau Or any leptoquark searches – if so which ones?
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Combined Triggers Leptoquarks Why is there a mu-jet and no e-jet? - also wanted for leptoquarks e.g. MU20_J40 and e20_J40 ?
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Combined Triggers Any of these of interest to us? Black holes? Is there an e-mu trigger? Would e10_mu6 have too high rate?
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Combined Triggers Another suggestion is: "A high multiplicity trigger with at least 3 objects (EM,MU,TAU,JETs) above 200 GeV?“ Black holes – which combined triggers would we use? Leptoquarks – which combined triggers? Print picture of combined triggers – don’t type out!
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Summary Is g60 going to be on the menu?
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th BACKUP
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th Example for tau trigger Example: Z’(600) Efficiency for selecting events with two taus in | |<2.5 To get to the trigger efficiency I didn’t do the ‘correct’ thing. I combined tau25i+L1_XE30 instead of tau25i+met40 Might need high p T unisolated tau threshold as for e/ for the very high p T taus? triggerEF* Tau25i+XE e25i16.7 e Mu20i20.2 J j j Needs investigating?
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th More on electrons: Eff for e60 after L2 ~80% for E T >66- 68GeV, should be ~90% for this trigger Loose IsEM has =88.1% trigger looses (L1+L2) w.r.t. IsEM for E T =60GeV electrons –Loose: 85.8% (losses mainly due to E T threshold cut) Warning: e25i uses isolation at L1, it becomes inefficient for very high p T electrons, so look at e60 instead Last year we proposed a loose e60 trigger or/and a very loose e120 trigger (just E T plus track in front of calo) and asked for feedback –You should have a look at these issues and tell us what you prefer! E T (gen) (GeV Eff for e25i after EF (%) Eff for e60 after L2 (%) n/a W e, e in | | 25GeV) e25i From Monika Wieler’s talk 21/3/07 Has this been done?
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th DiBosons WZ -> jj ll 2e15i, e25i, e60, mu20, 2j120, j160 Possible combined triggers: 2e20i + 2j40 + 2fj15 : 2mu20 + 2j40 + 2fj15 WZ, WW -> lv jj e25i, e60, mu20, 2j120, j160, j45+xE50 combined e20i + 2j40 + xe40 + 2fj15 : mu20i + 2j40 + xe40 + 2fj15 WZ -> lv ll 2e15i, e25i, e60, mu20 combined 3e20i + xe40 + 2fj15 : 3mu20i + xe40 + 2fj15 : 2e15i + mu15i + xe40 + 2fj15 : 2mu15i + e15i + xe40 + 2fj15 ZZ, WW -> 2 l + 2 v's 2e15i, e25i, e60, mu20 combined: 2e20i + 2fj15 : e20i + mu20 + 2fj15 : 2mu20 + 2fj15 Are investigating different topologies of VB scattering. In every case, we have forward jets. We include combined triggers very specific to these analyses, in case we can add them. * Issues: For the signals with W->jj, the combined triggers always rely on the presence of 2 jets. We might also end up with one single jet. * The use of 2fj15: requires investigation - we might have significant model-dependent systematics, if we are not careful. * Should we have 2 different combined triggers, one for very high mass and one for lower mass?
Tracey BerryTAPM Meeting June 25 th James Frost – Cambridge ATLAS CSC BH Note Meeting Triggers for Black Holes Prevailing wisdom is the Black Holes easily pass triggers, esp. jet ones A preliminary look at trigger efficiencies for BH: L1L2EF Jet jet jet jet e60100 (EM 60) g60100 (EM 60) mu20i met99.55 (XE 50) 100 (met10) Black Holes do pass jet triggers – could “AND” all the jet triggers Electron/muon/gamma triggers less efficient – search for these at analysis level Do we need a dedicated/higher energy jet trigger?