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Presentation transcript:

M. Zareinejad 1












 Haptic interaction with deformable objects: ◦ Overview. ◦ Mesh-based simulation of deformation:  The Mass-Spring method.  The ChainMail method.  Continuum mechanics methods:  The Finite Element Method (FEM).  The Boundary Element Method (BEM).  The Cellular Neural Network (CNN) method. 13 Deformable Object

14 Haptic interaction with deformable objects

15 Haptic interaction with deformable objects

16 Haptic interaction with deformable objects

 Goals: ◦ Speed.  30Hz for visual feedback.  Hz for haptic feedback. ◦ Stability. ◦ Physical accuracy.  critical for medical applications: surgical training, planning and outcome prediction.  Challenges: ◦ Governing physical laws. ◦ Material coupling, e.g., elastic tissue & fluid. ◦ Inhomogeneities & anisotropies. ◦ Non-linear deformations. ◦ Geometry changes, e.g., cutting, suturing. 17

 Relationship between stress and strain  Possible Models: Linear elasticity Nonlinear elasticity Viscoelasticity 18

Viscoelasticity Creep and creep recovery Stress Relaxation Kelvin MaxwellZener 19

 Mesh-based techniques: ◦ Connectivity among object nodes. ◦ Difficult to handle:  large deformations (fluid flow).  connectivity changes (cuts, fractures). ◦ Example: Finite Element Method (FEM) models.  Meshless techniques: ◦ No connectivity among object nodes. ◦ Easy to handle:  fluid flows.  cuts, fractures, etc. ◦ Example: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) models, Method of Finite Spheres (Kim, De, Srinivasan ‘03). 20

 Surface models of deformation: ◦ Object represented by points on its boundary G. ◦ Not good for incompressibility, bending.  Volumetric models of deformation: ◦ Object represented by all points in W. 21

 Object = mass nodes connected by a network of linear springs.  Force on node P i :  Advantages: ◦ Easy to implement. ◦ Consistent with the data structures used for graphic rendering. ◦ Suitable for static or dynamic simulations. 22

Triangular mesh T2 mesh Spring-mass-type meshes 23

24 Mass-spring models of deformation Mass-spring models of deformation