Basingstoke and Deane Smoking Services
Some Facts Approximately 21% of the Population of Basingstoke smoke, close to the national average There are over 180 smoking related deaths a year, significantly lower than the average in England (206 a year) Source: APHO and Department of Health. © Crown Copyright 2010
NHS Quit4Life Offer a variety of service including: Free friendly advice and support One-off free nicotine replacement products Prescription requests to GPs for drug therapies (Champix) Webpages offering tips and other services such as a calculator that informs the smoker of how much money they will save Run local events targeted at specific dates such as Valentine’s Day and No Smoking Day
Negatives Prescription charges Positives Easy access Some monetary incentives
NHS Toolkit Educating young people within schools, it provides training for teachers, lesson plans and presentations on: smoking and the related effects on health and the environment laws and rules around tobacco and smoking tobacco production and marketing, and; the social and economic effects of smoking
Negatives Only targets young people Hampshire wide Positives Early inteventions Supports teachers through the programme
Pharmacies Many pharmacies offer quitting services Boots – advise, counselling, nicotine replacement and CO tests Lloyds – Drug replacement (Champix)
Negatives Expensive Positives Easily accessable Face to face advise
Read the signs Leaflet produced by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Designed to tell parents about smoking, alcohol and illegal drugs and encourage parents to spot the signs that their young person may be using a substance
Negatives Leaflet doesn’t provide face to face support Positives Doesn’t involve any commitment Free
Complimentary Therapies Hypnotherapists Accupuncture Massage
Positives High expense Negatives Run by experienced practitioners, with many having trained health care professionals working with them