Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun Mission Operations Review News Elena Adams 7/16/2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun Mission Operations Review News Elena Adams 7/16/2015

Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun MOR News July 16, 2015 Mission Operations Review News  Missions Operations Review moved to Nov APL  Slide flip through: October  Dry run: 2-3 November  Slides due to reviewers: 9 November  Need to have an instrument commissioning meeting prior  Please fill out doodle poll for Martha by July 17th   Covers dates: Sept 7- 18th  Mission Operations Plan ( ) to be released next week  Tentative agenda on following pages 2

Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun MOR News July 16, 2015 SPP MOR Agenda - Draft 1 DAY /16/ 2015 TimeSectionTopicExpected Content of discussionSpeakerDuration 1.0Introduction/Mission Overview 8:30 AM1.1Introduction and ObjectivesGoals of Review - intro of boardPinkine0:10 8:40 AM1.2Mission OverviewOverview CDR presentationKinnison0:20 9:00 AM1.3Science/Instrument OverviewHigh Level Science/InstrumentsFox0:20 9:20 AM1.4Mission Design OverviewOverview CDR presentation (Ops Focus)Guo0:25 9:45 AM1.5Navigation OverviewOverview CDR presentation (Ops Focus)Goodson0:25 10:10 AM1.6Spacecraft OverviewSpacecraft subsystemsLockwood0:40 10:50 AM Break 0:15 11:05 AM1.7Fault Protection High Level Fault Protection discussion that focuses on requirements on MOPSKubota0:20 11:25 AM1.8Ground System OverviewMOC and SOC Ground System OverviewMitnick0:15 11:40 AM1.9Mission Operations Overview Driving Requirements/CONOPS Overview; Action Item closure status; Lessons Learned; MOPS Schedule; Staffing plans; etc.Pinkine0:30 12:10 PM1.10Deep Space NetworkDSN Status; MOC interfaces, Test plansElliott0:20 12:30 PM Lunch 0:45 2.0Spacecraft Operations 1:15 PM2.1LEOPS/Commissioning Overview Launch and Early Ops Overview; Commissioning Activities and coverage overview; logistics, Timeline overview; Preliminary list of Launch Critical functions and facilitiesPinkine0:20 1:35 PM2.2Power, SACS, Thermal & Solar Array Operations Review activity matrices, operations requirements & known constraints, frequencyOrd0:20 1:55 PM2.3 Guidance and Control/Propulsion Sub-System Operations Review activity matrices, operations requirements & known constraints, frequencyHudson0:20 2:15 PM2.4CDH Sub-System Operations Review activity matrices, operations requirements & known constraints, frequencyHill0:20 2:35 PM2.5Telecomm Sub-System Operations Review activity matrices, operations requirements & known constraints, frequencySepan0:20 2:55 PM2.6Real-Time OperationsReal-Time Commanding OverviewHill/Sepan0:20 3:15 PM2.7Timekeeping Plan on ground for maintianing accurate time to within the mission requirementsS. Cooper0:15 3:30 PM Break 0:15 3

Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun MOR News July 16, 2015 MOR Agenda (2) 4 3.0Operational Processes & Products 3:45 PM3.1Orbit Planning & Command Sequencing Requirements and plans for orbit planning process & command sequence developmentPinkine0:20 4:05 PM3.2Mission Ops Interfaces & Data Products Data products Breakdown and Status, Verification PlansHudson0:15 4:20 PM3.3Maneuver Planning & Execution End-to-End TCM Planning & Execution ProcessHudson/Guo0:15 4:35 PM3.4Operations Configuration Management MOPS CM Plan; On-board Memory Mgmt; Flight Software Maintenance ApproachPinkine0:20 4:55 PM3.5DSN Contact Planning & Scheduling DSN Scheduling Process, RF Team Inputs, Contact Planning Tools, Inputs to DSN Scheduling TeamSepan0:20 5:15 PM3.6Assessment Requirements and plans for health and safety monitoring, sub-sytem trendingHill0:20 5:35 PM Adjourn Day 1

Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun MOR News July 16, 2015 MOR Agenda (3) 5 DAY /17/2015 TimeSectionTopicExpected Content of discussionSpeakerDuration 4.0Pre-Launch Operations 8:30 AM4.1Training & Certification PlansTraining and Certification plansPinkine0:10 8:40 AM4.2DocumentationDocumentation statusPinkine0:10 8:50 AM4.3Contingency Planning The plan for development of Contingency Procedures, status of where we areHill/Ord?0:10 9:00 AM4.4Flight Constraint Checking The list of constraints and plans for ensuring compliance within MOPSOrd0:10 9:10 AM4.5Mission Operations Testing Plans for MSIMS, Rehearsals, ORTs, Mission Rehearsals, RF & DSN/USN TestingPinkine/Copeland0:30 9:40 AM4.6Requirements VerificationVerification Matrix (GSYS-L3 & MOPS-L4)Ord0:15 5.0SPP Ground Systems 9:55 AM5.1MOC Ground Hardware Ground Software requirements, heritage, design, maturity, builds plans, development status, plans for maintenanceMitnick0:15 10:10 AM5.2MOC Ground Software Ground Software requirements, heritage, design, maturity, builds plans, development status, plans for maintenanceMelin0:20 10:30 AM Break 0:10 10:40 AM5.3Network SecurityNetwork Security in MOC and MOC-SOC interfacesGriffith0:15 10:55 AM5.4C&T DatabaseNaming Convention, plans for population through life cycleMitnick0:10 11:05 AM5.5SPPOPS Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator Explain the HIL Simulators in the MOC, what we can do with them, plans for deliveryMitnick0:15 6.0Instrument Operations 11:20 AM6.1Instrument Operations Overview Commissioning Focus - Constraints, Uplink/Downlink Schedule, Data ManagementAdams0:30 11:50 AM6.2Science Planning & Data ProcessingScience Planning Process & Tools, GSEOSKusterer0:35 12:25 PM6.3MOC-SOC Interfaces MOC-SOC Interface Software;Focus on S/W affecting science operationsMelin0:15 12:40 PM Lunch 0:45 MOR Agenda (3)

Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun MOR News July 16, 2015 MOR Agenda (4) 6 1:25 PM 7.0FIELDS 0:40 Science/Instrument Summary Introduction; Science Overview, Instrument Overview, Team Org, roles and responsibilities, SOC Org. SOC Architecture OverviewSOC Context Diagram/Data Flow; Principal Data Products Command and Telemetry CM of databases; HSKP to monitor; Science packets for commssioning; Expected commanding patterns and rates; SOH monitoring Software Verification and TestHow SOC will be tested; overview of test plan; requirements verification Instrument Operations Instrument operations and SOC role in Integration & Test, Launch, Commissioning, Science Operations phases Contingency PlanningContingency development plans SOC Summary 2:05 PM 8.0EPI-LO/EPI-HI 0:40 Science/Instrument Summary Introduction; Science Overview, Instrument Overview, Team Org, roles and responsibilities, SOC Org. SOC Architecture OverviewSOC Context Diagram/Data Flow; Principal Data Products Command and Telemetry CM of databases; HSKP to monitor; Science packets for commssioning; Expected commanding patterns and rates; SOH monitoring Software Verification and TestHow SOC will be tested; overview of test plan; requirements verification Instrument Operations Instrument operations and SOC role in Integration & Test, Launch, Commissioning, Science Operations phases Contingency PlanningContingency development plans SOC Summary 2:45 PM Break 0:15

Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun MOR News July 16, 2015 MOR Agenda (5) 7 3:00 PM 9.0SWEAP 0:40 Science/Instrument Summary Introduction; Science Overview, Instrument Overview, Team Org, roles and responsibilities, SOC Org. SOC Architecture OverviewSOC Context Diagram/Data Flow; Principal Data Products Command and Telemetry CM of databases; HSKP to monitor; Science packets for commssioning; Expected commanding patterns and rates; SOH monitoring Software Verification and TestHow SOC will be tested; overview of test plan; requirements verification Instrument Operations Instrument operations and SOC role in Integration & Test, Launch, Commissioning, Science Operations phases Contingency PlanningContingency development plans SOC Summary 3:40 PM 10.0WISPR 0:30 Science/Instrument Summary Introduction; Science Overview, Instrument Overview, Team Org, roles and responsibilities, SOC Org. SOC Architecture OverviewSOC Context Diagram/Data Flow; Principal Data Products Command and Telemetry CM of databases; HSKP to monitor; Science packets for commssioning; Expected commanding patterns and rates; SOH monitoring Software Verification and TestHow SOC will be tested; overview of test plan; requirements verification Instrument Operations Instrument operations and SOC role in Integration & Test, Launch, Commissioning, Science Operations phases Contingency PlanningContingency development plans SOC Summary 4:10 PM 11.0Wrap-up Day 2 Future Work, Issues and ConcernsHarvey0:10 4:20 PM 12.0Review Board Caucus Review Board internally discusses their plansReview Board1:00 5:20 PM Adjourn