Protists AnnelidsInsectsAmphibiansMammals
Organelle used by Paramecium to help maintain homeostasis
What is a contractile vacuole?
This organism surrounds its food with a pseudopod and brings it into the cell
What is an Amoeba?
This organism is animal-like because it has a flagella and can move, but it is plant-like because it can carry on autotrophic nutrition.
What is a Euglena?
Gas exchange occurs this way in Protists
What is diffusion?
Disease caused by Plasmodium and Vector for the disease
What is Malaria and what is the mosquito
Organ used for excretion in annelids
What are nephridia?
Type and explanation of circulatory system found in annelids.
What is a closed circulatory system in which blood is found inside of vessels?
This type of organism is able to produce both male and female gametes.
What is hermaphroditic?
Process by which gas exchange occurs in annelids and a necessary component for this exchange to occur.
What is diffusion and moist membranes?
What earthworms eat and two organs involved in digestion.
What is soil and what are the crop and the gizzard? (or intestines)
Type and explanation of ciculatory system found in insects.
What is an open system in which blood can circulate through sinuses or cavities?
The organ involved in excretion and type of waste that will be excreted.
What is malpighian tubules and nitrogenous waste?
Two organs involved in gas exchange.
What are tracheal tubes and spiracles
The difference between incomplete and complete metamorphosis.
What is the immature form of the insect looks very much like the adult versus the eggs hatch into larvae, which change into pupa, and then an adult emerges.
Molecule synthesized by insects that will make up the exoskeleton and group of organic compounds to which it belongs.
What is chitin and what is carbohydrates?
Number of chambers of the amphibian heart and advantage of multiple chambers.
What is three and separates deoxygenated and oxygenated blood?
The systems in amphibians that are involved in breaking down food and transporting nutrients to cells.
What is the digestive system and the circulatory system?
Type of reproduction and type of fertilization in amphibians.
What is sexual reproduction and external fertilization?
How skin coloration of frogs is adapted to an aquatic environment
What is dark on dorsal side of frog to blend in with dark water & light on the ventral side to blend in with light environment above the water?
Two ways that amphibians exchange gases.
What is through moist skin and lungs?
Three characteristics of mammals
What is have hair, nourish their young with milk, have four- chambered hearts, and are endotherms?
Nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and waste is exchanged between the embryo and mother through a tissue that gives this group of mammals their name.
What is Placental Mammals?
Cells that make up the system that controls and coordinates functions throughout the body and responds to internal and external stimuli.
What are neurons?
The functional unit of kidneys and purpose of kidneys.
What is the nephron and what is filters impurities produced by cells, such as nitrogen waste, out of the blood.
Name and function of the folds found in the small intestines of mammals.
What is villi and what is increase adsorption of nutrients?