CSO Sustainability Index Cambodia Country Study GPP Awarding Ceremony Cambodiana Hotel, 17 December 2015 EL Sotheary, Chen Sochoeun, Chhorn Vatanak Vision: Sustainable Development for Cambodia
2 Presentation Outlines 1.Why CSO Sustainability? 2.A snapshot on CSO Sustainability Index 3.Results of the study 4.General discussion
3 1. Why CSO Sustainability?
4 -Busan Agreement on Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation -Population and diversity of CSOs in Cambodia -CSOs contribution to the development of Cambodia -Enabling environment affecting the CSOs: Legal framework and operation of CSOs Resource mobilization Collaboration of CSOs…. -Areas for improvement for CSOs
5 1. Why CSO Sustainability? -Corruption: 157/170 nations, TI Corruption Perception Index Freedom in the World Status: not free, Freedom House Rule of Law: 99/102 nations, World Justice Report Failed State Index (0-120, higher is less stable): 88, Fund for Peace Other Indexes
6 1. Snapshot about CSO Sustainability Index CSOSI has been implemented since 1997 in Middle East and North Africa supported by USAID and ICNL More than 60 countries participate and benefit from the CSOSI Reports CSOSI reports on the strength and overall viability of CSO sectors. The Index highlights both advances and setbacks in the development of the civil society sector, and allows for comparisons across countries and sub- regions over time.
7 1. Snapshot about CSOSI (Cont.) The Report’s methodology is qualitative and relies on local expertise (CSO practitioners and experts) to apply a standardized instrument in order to assess and rate seven interrelated dimensions of CSO sustainability: legal environment, organizational capacity, financial viability, advocacy, service provision, infrastructure, and public image. The Index is an important and unique tool for local CSOs, governments, donors, academics, and others to understand and measure the sustainability of the CSO sector.
8 1. Snapshot about CSOSI (Cont.) Level of Sustainability LegalRegistration EnvironmentOperation Administrative Impediment/State Harassment Local Legal Capacity Taxation Earned Income OrganisationConstitutuency Building CapacityStrategic Planning Internal Management Structure NGO Staffing Technical Advancement FinancialLocal Support ViabilityDiversification Financial Management System Fundraising Earned Income AdvocacyCooperation with Local & Federal Government Policy Advocacy Initiatives Lobbying Efforts Local Advocacy for Legal Reform Service ProvisionRange of Goods and Services Community Responsiveness Constituencies and Clientele Cost Recovery Government Recognition and Support InfrastructureIntermediary Support Organisations Local Grant Making Organisations NGO Coalitions Training Inter Sectoral Partnerships Public ImageMedia Coverage Public Perception of NGOs Government/Business Perception of NGOs Public Relations Self Regulation
Select 8-10 panel experts Understand objective of exercise Expert Panel Meeting Draft Country Report EC Review and Finalize Report Report Distribution Process of CSOSI Development
3. Results of the Study -No law specifically regulated civil society -CSOs are not subjected to government audit or inspection -As a legal entity, any organization can seek tax exemptions in accordance with the Law on Taxation -Legal advices for CSOs are primarily available in Phnom Penh -Legal environment is more favourable for service delivery CSOs Legal Environment: 4.1
3. Results of the Study (Cont.) -INGOs are well-equipped with human and material resources comparing to LNGOs -Some local CSOs are very strong because they learned from international advisors or are offshoots of INGOs -Dependence on foreign donors often leads CSOs to be more accountable to their donors than to local citizens -Many professional staff move to large, international organizations and UN agencies -CSOs located in more remote areas of the country have limited access to electricity and the Internet Organizational Capacity: 3.8
3. Results of the Study (Cont.) Financial Viability: 4.9 -CSOs generally rely on project-based donor funding while sustainable funding is difficult to secure. -60% of grants and contracts were provided by the United Nations, foreign governments, and INGOs. -32% of LNGOs earn income through commercial activities such as from health clinics, restaurants, office rentals, sale of publications, and craft shops. -Access to funding is more competitive, leaving some scaled down or closed office. -Complains on financial transparency and management.
3. Results of the Study (Cont.) -Some consultations are made but not systematic and rarely have influence on decision making. -CCC still could not take sufficient benefits from the existing mechanisms such as DCPS, TWG,…… -Some service delivery NGOs are hesitant to be publicly critical of government actions. -CSOs engaged in forms of advocacy are sometimes at risk of government threats or interference. -CSO networks coordinated several joint advocacy initiatives. Advocacy: 4.4
3. Results of the Study (Cont.) -INGOs have a strong presence in the education and health fields, while local NGOs focus on education and training, but have also diversified to other fields such as promotion of civic space, good governance, human rights, and environmental protection. -In general, CSO services are likely to be accessible to their members and direct project beneficiaries, rather than the broader public. -To increase sustainability, more CSOs have started to introduce fees for services to some target groups. Service Provision: 4.1
3. Results of the Study (Cont.) -Several membership organizations fulfill the roles of intermediary support organizations (ISOs) or CSO resource centers. -Cooperation among CSOs is increasing, but the depth of cooperation is still quite limited. -Some partnership mechanisms exist but no formal partnerships between CSOs and the private sector. -National-level NGO coalitions work more effectively than those at the subnational level as they tend to have greater capacity and clearer mandates. Infrastructure: 4.2
3. Results of the Study (Cont.) -Cambodian media as “not free” and in a “difficult situation”. -The public perceives CSOs as being more trustworthy than other sectors. -Because CSOs generally work directly with the public and communities, public perception and trust of CSOs are not influenced by government criticism of CSOs. -CSOs have access and own some media and ICTs for public relations and advocacy purposes. -GPP is the symbol of trust for NGO. Public Image: 4.0
4. General Discussion -What do you foresee the Sustainability Index for Cambodian CSOs in 2015? -What are the most critical factors to promote Cambodian CSOs sustainability? -How CSOs could help/work together to promote their sustainability? -What do you see the important roles of GPP in promoting the sustainability of CSOs?
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