Women and girls in sport in Ireland Let’s level the playing field 28th October Dublin Isabel Romão Member of the CoE Gender Equality Commission Member of the Drafting Group of the Recommendation
Equal visibility, empowerment and participation of both sexes in all spheres of public and private life. Equal access to and distribution of resources between women and men.
“Gender mainstreaming is the (re)organisation, improvement, development and evaluation of policy processes, so that a gender equality perspective is incorporated in all policies at all levels and at all stages, by the actors normally involved in policy- making”. (Council of Europe 1998: 12)
2010 Gertrud Pfister study on the situation of women in elite sport Kari Fasting report on gender mainstreaming in sport - Clotilde Talleu, in cooperation with a group of European experts, Handbook on access of women and young girls to sport practices in Europe - Handbook on the contribution of sport as a promoting tool for social inclusion of people with disabilities
Analytical Educational Consultative and participatory Statistics disaggregated by sex Research Gender budgeting Gender impact assessment methods Monitoring Awareness-raising Training courses Manuals and leaflets Hearings Conferences Seminars Working groups and Steering groups Think tanks
Equal participation and power in all spheres at all levels of sport Access to the practice of sport, physical education and physical activity Participation in different types of sports, events and competitions Representation in all spheres at all levels of the sports organisations Power Equal access to and use of sport resources Money Time and space Human resources Equipment Equal rights Elimination of direct and indirect discrimination on the grounds of sex and any other grounds Full enjoyment of human rights and dignity Access to justice
Preamble containing a reference to the main commitments of the Council of Europe member States Considerations stating the various dimensions of the problem the Recommendation tries to address 6 main recommendations addressed to the governments of the member States Appendix : ◦ Definitions and or explanations of relevant concepts ◦ 42 measures organised in five chapters
Adopting and/or revising legislation and/or policies pertaining to sport with a view to implement the strategies and measures outlined in the recommendation and its appendix Promoting and encouraging policies and practices aimed at introducing, implementing and ensuring gender mainstreaming Disseminating this recommendation and its explanatory memorandum by political institutions, public authorities, sports organisations and other sports-related organisations as well as education institutions and the media; Encouraging co-operation between stakeholders at national level who are responsible for and who influence sport, physical education and gender equality policies Revising gender mainstreaming policies, practices and results at national level and report on the steps taken and progress achieved in this field to the relevant bodies of the Council of Europe Cooperating at international level including in the framework of the Council of Europe with a view to exchanging information and sharing good practices
For the governments of Member States Legislation Policies and programmes Specific programmes and policies on formal and non- formal physical education in particular at local level Specific programmes and policies to prevent and combat gender-based violence Awareness raising and training Data collection and research Monitoring and reporting Both for the governments of Member States and sports organisations Non-sexist language Balanced representation of women and men in all communication Positive images Grants, pay, prize money and bonuses Awareness raising
For sports organisations Policies and programmes ◦ good governance principles ◦ quality management ◦ gender balance at all levels of the organisation and in their core business ◦ codes of conduct to combat gender-based violence ◦ equal access to sport facilities Data collection and research Awareness raising and training For the media Non stereotyped and non- discriminatory media coverage Balanced representation Raising the awareness and strengthening capacities
Cooperation, follow up and assessment of the progress of balanced participation of girls, boys, women and men in sport on the basis of internationally comparable data Promotion of the exchange of information, know-how and “good practices” favouring equality between girls, boys, women and men in sport