INTRODUCTION Data Structures
Why study data structures and algorithms? zPrograms solve problems zPrograms process information zInformation needs to be organized ÕData structures zPrograms carry out tasks ÕAlgorithms zData structures and algorithms need to be correct and efficient
Terms zType – a collection of values zData Type – a type together with a collection of operations to manipulate the type zAbstract Data Type (ADT) – defines a data type solely in terms of a type and a set of operations on that type zData Structure – the physical implementation of the ADT
Data Structures and OOP Principles zData Structures are Objects zAbstraction (ability to distill a software system into its most basic parts) and Encapsulation (implementing the abstraction without revealing how is implemented) applies to Data Structures zInheritance and Polymorphism ÕData Structures are often “containers” and share similar operations
More terms zProblem – a function or an association of inputs with outputs. zAlgorithm – a recipe for solving a problem whose steps are concrete and unambiguous zProgram – an instantiation of an algorithm in a computer programming language
Properties of an algorithm zIt must be correct. zIt must be composed of a series of concrete steps. zThere has to be no ambiguity. zIt must be composed of a finite number of steps. zIt must terminate.