Give me a Job!!!!! Please? By Denzel Joyce, Tristan Coates, Garret Van Pelt Add a title for the presentation1
Slide 2Add a theme, background picture, or color to the presentation The Job Interview To prepare for the interview: – Do your homework. – Get organized. – Plan to make a good first impression. – Anticipate questions and plan appropriate responses. – Think positively.
Slide 3 Standard Interview Questions Some examples are: – “Tell me about yourself.” – “What do you know about this company?” – “Why does this job opening interest you?” – “Do you prefer working alone or with others?” – “How well do you work under pressure?” – “What do you want to be doing in five years?” – “Why should I hire you?”
Slide 4 Good Questions to Ask Employers Some examples are: – “How would you describe the responsibilities of the position?” – “How would you describe a typical week/day for this position?” – “Whom does this position report to? If I am offered the position, can I meet him or her?” – “If I am extended a job offer, how soon would you like me to start?”
Slide 5On the next slide, fill it with pictures of interviews taking place. What Is Said Without Words – An upright, confident posture reflects your sense of self- worth. – Eye contact shows you are listening and are interested in what the interviewer has to say. – A smile shows that are you relaxed and confident. Keep your facial expressions friendly, calm, relaxed, and positive. – A firm handshake conveys that you are professional and enthusiastic. Avoid a weak or overly aggressive handshake.
Slide 7 What Is Said Without Words (Continued) – Leaning slightly forward toward the interviewer conveys that you are interested. Leaning back can give the opposite impression. – Be aware of the interviewer’s body language to help you sense when you are losing the person’s attention or when you are going into too much detail.
SLIDE 8 Common Errors Avoid these interview errors Poor eye contact. No goal. Poor appearance. No prepared questions. Lack of enthusiasm. Asking about the salary and benefits too soon. Not asking for the job.
Do Your Home work on the company! Add a title to this page and put a list and images of what not to do in an interview..9 What to do: Dress nicely, Arrive early, be groomed, be informed on your interview. What not to do: Arrive late, look at the wall, say yes or no.
Dress and Grooming Find two pictures that show how to dress for an interview – paste one in the box next to this and one in the box on the next slide I picked them because they were well dressed Page 3 (these sentence can be deleted when slide is finished) 10
Dress and Grooming Because they are dressed and groomed nicely. Page 311
Dress and Grooming Find and insert 5 pictures of how NOT to dress or look for an interview. Page 3, 412
After the Interview Write a follow-up letter. Write a short thank-you for the interview. Insert an example of a follow-up letter: 13Page 8, 9
“Food for Thought” Assume that you applied for a job but were not selected for the position. – Should you abandon your efforts to obtain a job with that particular employer? Why or why not? What can you gain from seeking an evaluation of your interview performance from an interviewer who rejected you? In what ways is each interview a learning experience? Slide 14 ?