A Good Business Decision Hiring People with Treated Behavioral Health Challenges is…
Behavioral Health Defined: For this discussion Behavioral Health includes: Mental Health conditions primarily (but not limited to); ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Bipolar, Major Depression, OCD, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Behavioral Health conditions including (but not limited to): Alcoholism, Drug Addiction,
Treatment Defined treatment [trēt´ment] 1. the management and care of a patient; CARE. CARE 2. the combating of a disease or disorder; also called THERAPY Specific treatment activities include (but not limited to): Dr’s care, medication, hospitalization (partial hospitalization), counseling (individual or group), participation in wellness programs (i.e. 12 Steps)
Two Things to Remember: Treatment IS Effective People Recover
One BIG Question The Most important question every employer has to answer in the hiring process is : “Will this person make (or save)my company money?”
There IS a Skills Gap It’s been said that something isn’t real until you can measure it and graph it. CIO Magazine Publisher Emeritus Gary J. Beach has proved the skills gap by developing the Skills Gap Misery Index:
An Untapped Talent Pool In Washington state there are approximately 60,000 adults (in any given quarter*) who have received treatment for behavioral health conditions, 83% are unemployed * Data supplied by WA state Dept. Employment Security and Division of Behavioral Health & Recovery
Numerous Studies Indicate: 70% Of people with treated Behavioral Health challenges want to work
Here’s What They Have to Say “ I feel so much better about myself now that I have a job. ” “ Holding down my job is not always easy but it has helped my self esteem. ” “ When I go to work I don ’ t hear the voices. ” “ Now that I am working again I can buy my daughter presents. ”
Isn’t Work Too Stressful for People with BH Challenges? As compared to what? Joe Marrone: “If you think work is stressful, try unemployment, poverty and social isolation.” Stresses of work do not translate into higher rates of hospitalization
Federal Contractor? Section 503 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act requires companies with federal contracts to insure that 7% of their workforce is made up of people with disabilities. (7% by job classification for companies with more than 100 employees.)
Bottom-line Enhancing Reasons: Lower turn-over rate The same or better dependability No difference in performance/productivity Tendency toward greater creativity Tendency toward greater innovation, problem solving Another level of inclusion
Incentives for Employers Tax Incentives/credits Supported Employment (IPS): Applicant pre-screening Systematic job development Time-unlimited support.
The Intangibles Don’t overlook these revenue- building reasons: Expand your market IPS-SE “After-hire” support Unprecedented Engagement and…
Undeniable Transferable Skills: “If you have ever had any of the major mental illnesses…” You have strength You can cope You have patience You possess spirituality and hope You have courage You have humility You have imagination © Mimi Kravitz 1997
“If you have been hospitalized, you…” You have survival ability You can tolerate pain You can deal with the unknown You have interpersonal skills © Mimi Kravitz 1997
“If you have survived hearings for SSI, Food Stamps, etc…” You have anxiety tolerance You can organize documentation You can negotiate systems You can persevere © Mimi Kravitz 1997
“If you have taken medication..” You can handle risk You can adapt to adverse conditions You can compensate for induced physical disability (side effects) You might have gained some knowledge of introductory chemistry © Mimi Kravitz 1997
Cost of Accommodations The dollar-cost of providing Reasonable Accommodations is the most over-exaggerated concern that employers have when hiring a person with any disability. This is especially true in the case of People with Behavioral Health challenges.
Maintaining Stamina During the Workday: Provide flexible scheduling Allow longer or more frequent work breaks Allow employee to work from home during part of the day, or week Provide part time work schedules Maintaining Concentration: Reduce distractions in the work area Provide space enclosures or a private office Allow for use of white noise or environmental sound machines Allow the employee to play soothing music using a cassette player and headset Increase natural lighting or provide full spectrum lighting Plan for uninterrupted work time Allow for frequent breaks Divide large assignments into smaller tasks and goals Staying Organized and Meeting Deadlines: Make daily TO-DO lists and check items off as they are completed Use several calendars to mark meetings and deadlines Remind employee of important deadlines Use electronic organizers Divide large assignments into smaller tasks and goals
One BIG Question The Most important question every employer has to answer in the hiring process is : “Will this person make (or save)my company money?”
B E S T Great Work is a partnership between: And Division of Behavioral Health & Recovery As a component of the BEST Project made possible by Grant Number SM from the Substance Abuse Mental Health System Administration (SAMHSA).”
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