To what extent should globalization be pursued?
The clear cutting from forests is a bad thing, because what happens to the wood that’s there? It go’s to build homes but what we forget is that there was homes there. Ecosystems that were once there are gone and cant be taken back. The whole Idea that we can do whatever we want needs to stop.
the Mackenzie river pipeline was to bring gas from the north to places were it could be processed and everything else. But the problem is, is that the amount of environmental damage to it would be an apocalypses to the north. The idea that we need more gas from the north shows that people don’t care about the coast and damage all they want it money.
t The atom bomb was made to end a war. In today’s sociality and the availability of these war heads could be catastrophic. If we expand the borders and try to take land that’s someone else's then we are going to be the ones to pay with our lives. If ww3 were to happen it would be because of globalization.
The idea the every one would be on bored and join globalization is wrong. Most of them would be ok with it but we would need a lot of treaties signed and world deat would need to be gone
The war that’s going on in the middle east is due to globalization. The fact the u.s went there to take oil shows that resources are going down and then people get scared and try to find some place else to get it. The death that comes from war is not a pretty one and should not be glamourized.
Star wars can be compared to globalization because on one side you got the Canada The U.S.A and on the other side the middle east always fighting for some thing They think is right. They fight for territory all looking for something.
The pandas are going down in population because of globalization if they go then they are gone. The chines cut down the bamboo they eat. If the world food supply is the bamboo, and the world bank is the supplier then does that mean that more developed nations get more then non? It all comes down to who can globalizes more then others.
Globalization can act like jail bars. The free people on the world can get what they want. The people on the inside don’t get much freedom because people say they cant. Globalization can imprison country's for not doing enough to develop.
ve On the other hand the idea that you can talk to anyone in the world with out knowing them is do to globalization. Facebook and twitter have stated a movement that talk to anyone with no reason. The differnece is, is that you have to give personal info about your self.
If Santa cant take airpolution then who can?