SWW Key Military Campaigns N. African Campaign – Eastern Front Western Front – Battle of the Atlantic –
The “Inner War” Internal developments: Creating (colonizing) a “New Europe”; resistance movements; German hegemony in Europe; Life behind the lines; Women at War; role of intelligence and industrial productivity; the Holocaust and crimes against humanity.
Turning points U.S. enters the war, 1941 Battle of Stalingrad, (Kursk, etc.) North African campaign/Italy defeated, Opening a second front, 1944: Operation Overlord and Bagration.
Politics of War War-time conferences Events: Warsaw uprising of Manhattan project Role of personalities: Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, etc.
End of War Defeating Germany, : Significance of final battles (Arnhem, Bulge, Berlin) Europe transformed: origins of Cold War
Cold War in Europe: Review Origins of Cold War: Impact of WWII (political, cultural, economic, and military realities); Reasons for East/West split (ideological differences, competing needs and wants in post-war Europe). Formative events: Crises in Turkey and Iran, Greek Civil War, Reasons for escalation of US involvement: Decline of Britain’s role in European affairs, Truman Doctrine (brief definition), Marshall Plan (What was it supposed to do?). Policy of Containment: What was it and how did it work?
Review, cont. Early features/causes of Cold War divisions: Berlin Airlift, Formation of Communist regimes (People’s democracies) in East-Central European countries: Two case studies. Economic cooperation among European countries on both sides of “iron curtain” (Marshall aid, ECSC, etc., Comecon)
Review, cont. Stalinization of East-Central Europe: examples of this process (show trials, regime change features, etc..) Democratic Europe? Exceptions to pattern of capitalism vs. communism (Yugoslavia, Spain, Portugal, Greece) Impact of globalization of Cold War: Korean War, De-colonization of Southeast Asia, India, Africa and Middle-East (e.g., Suez crisis of 1956); Algerian conflict and the decline of European powers like France and Great Britain.
Review, cont. After Stalin: Risings in East Germany (1953), Poland, (1956) Hungary (1956). “New Course” under Khrushchev. In what ways did his leadership mark a departure from Stalin’s reign? Cultural manifestations of Cold War: (1) radio, film, (2) intellectual rivalries, () artistic and literary examples of Cold War era.