Welcome to our Classroom
Digital-Age Literacy - Scientific & Technological Literacies, Global Awareness Inventive Thinking - Adaptability, Self- direction, Creativity Effective Communication - Teaming, Collaboration, Interactive Communication High Productivity - Prioritizing, Planning, Effective use of tools, High-Quality Products Engage
River Rouge Service Learning Project Work with the Friends of the River Rouge Spring & Fall Monitoring at Linden Park in Birmingham October 12, 14, 16 & 19th, 8:30 am - 11:30 am Parent volunteers are wanted (Training Oct. 9th 2-3 pm)
Communication Planners Digitalbcs.com Edublogs Powerschool Conferences Calls Home Good Old-fashion Chatting
Powerschool Access your students grades online There will usually be a delay in getting grades posted Always the teacher if you have a question about a grade The district will provide each family with an username and password around October 5th
Camp Copneconic October 5th or 6th Be at school by 8 am. (You may need to drive your child) The bus will return by 3:45 pm. Focus is Team Building Cost is $33, due Wednesday, Septemer 30th We are looking for energetic parent volunteers
Other Important Information Goal Setting - Sign-ups & Procedures On line Safety Video Permission Slip Room Parent Sign-Ups Classroom Volunteer Opportunities Parent addresses