Chapter 5 Section 2: Citizens and the Community
Why do Americans Volunteer? To make our communities better places to live, gain new opportunities to solve problems and learn new things Define community: group of people who share the same interests and concerns
Who makes it possible for the social needs of our communities to be met? Volunteers Federal, state and local gov’t provide many different services. Provide 3 Examples: Local police protection, national defense, trash collection, ensuring clean air and water. Citizens share in this responsibility for meeting community needs Why? Government has limited resources and are bureaucracies How might a bureaucracy slow down the response to community needs? Gov’t is a complex system with many departments, rules and many people in the chain of command. This means that gov’t cannot always respond quickly or efficiently to problems Define Bureaucracy: complex systems with many departments, many rules, and many people in the chain of command.
Sometimes the best solutions come from private citizens. Good citizens are concerned about the welfare (the health, prosperity and happiness) of all members of the community List 3 ways people can take action and contribute to their community 1. Donate time and money 2. volunteer in community 3. Volunteer for national service
What is the core of volunteerism? Giving your time to work on community projects. Give 2 examples of volunteerism. What percentage of their income does a typical American donate? 2%
Volunteers in Action: Ways in which Americans can make a difference through volunteering 1. community involvement: Community involvement tends to be rooted in individual action and informal groups What causes more people to participate in the community? When people feel a connection to a cause or know other involved Two examples: Neighborhood watch, PTA, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club
2. Charitable organizations: # registered in the US? 1 million Example of one charitable organization? Helping victims of domestic abuse, historic preservation societies
3. School based programs More than ½ of all US middle and HS now arrange community service for students grade 6-12 Which school districts mentioned require community service of their high school students? Atlanta, Chicago, State of Maryland
4. National Service Programs Americorps: Help meet nation’s needs in education, public safety, health and environment More than 50, 000 Am. Participate each year In return for service members get an allowance to live on and money to pay for college
Senior Corps: Volunteer opportunities for Am. 55 and older 3 main programs: Foster grandparents Senior companions Retired Senior volunteer program
USA Freedom Corps: Bring together Peace Corps, Americorps and Freedom Core Focuses on 3 main areas of need Responding to national emergencies Rebuilding communities Extending Am. Compassion throughout the world