Process Analysis Essays Mrs. Foley-MacGowan English 2012
What Process Analysis Does A process analysis essay gives instructions on how to do something or describes how something is done. Think “How To” books. Like narration, information is given in a chronological order. It is a simple essay to write, but it is also easy to write badly.
Example If you follow these seven easy steps, you will have the pleasure of eating vegetables cooked al dente the way they are done in the finest restaurants where nouvelle cuisine is the rage: First, choose three vegetables that normally take approximately the same time to cook (for instance, carrots, broccoli, and summer squash). For aesthetic purposes, it is a good idea to choose vegetables of different colors. Second, slice the vegetables into bite-size pieces or slices, depending on which is easier. Third, arrange the pieces in alternating circles on a ceramic quiche plate. Fourth, add butter, salt, and pepper to taste.
When to Use Process Analysis Most common in essays dealing with science and technology. Use process analysis whenever you need to explain how something is done or give instructions on how to accomplish a task.
How to Write Process Analysis 1.Select an appropriate subject. Are you giving instructions? Are you informing the reader about the sequence of events? 2.State your purpose in a clear thesis. It is helpful to give your reader an agenda in the thesis. Ex: You can acquire a competitive spirit by practicing five personality traits.
How to Write Process Analysis 3. Organize the sequence of steps logically. Chronologically Order of importance 4. Explain everything. Assume your reader is uninformed about the topic. Give good details. Don’t be vague. Signal words for steps are helpful (first, second, third…) Use process words within the steps (before, after, while…)