What is a Drug?. A Drug is.. O A chemical substance, natural or human made, that changes normal body functions in some way. There is no set definition.


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Presentation transcript:

What is a Drug?

A Drug is.. O A chemical substance, natural or human made, that changes normal body functions in some way. There is no set definition for the term “drug” but this is the one we will use in class. O Drugs are used to O Cure or treat disease O Reduce symptoms of illness O Alter a person’s mental or physical state

Using a drug to feel the effects rather than for medicinal or health purposes is called RECREATIONAL USE

What are some examples of legal drugs that might be used recreationally?

Examples of legal drugs O Caffeine O Energy Drinks O Herbal Remedies O Tobacco ** O Alcohol ** O Prescription Medication **

What are some examples of illegal drugs

Illegal drugs O Amphetamines O Cocaine/crack O Ecstasy O Heroin O LSD O Marijuana O Meth O PCP

“Wait, I thought marijuana was legal?” O Marijuana has been legalized for medical purposes and in some cases, recreational use only in some states. O Marijuana is still considered illegal by the federal government. O Recreational use of marijuana is still illegal in most states.

O Some drugs that are legal for adults are illegal for teens and children, but why? O Because of… …. the seriousness of these drugs and their potential negative consequences.

Drugs that are used recreationally have the potential to cause damage to the body or the brain, which is why most have been made illegal!

Why do people start using drugs?

Certain risk factors increase a person’s chances of abusing drugs. O Environmental O Access to drugs O Community and neighborhood crime O Poverty O Where people live O Social Relationships O Role models who use drugs O Acceptance of drug use by family and friends O Perceived norms O Individual traits O Gender (male) O Doing poorly in school O Negative behavior like fighting, stealing or carrying weapons O Acceptance of drug use O Mental health problems O Ex. Depression Perceived norms = believing that other people use drugs whether it’s actually true or not

What are some reasons people might choose NOT to use drugs?

Protective factors that reduce a person’s likelihood to abuse drugs O Environment O Learning about drugs in school O Drug prevention messages in the media O Lack of access to drugs O Individual traits O View of risk O Positive believes and attitudes O Strong commitment to school O Social relationships O Adult disapproval of drug use O Peer disapproval of drug use O Feeling connected O Doing activities

Let’s make sense of all this … O The more risk factors a person has the greater his/her chance of abusing drugs. O The more protective factors a person has the greater his/her chance of avoiding drug abuse. O Who do you think is ultimately responsible for a person’s drug use?

In the end.. O It all comes down to YOU to make your own personal choices about drugs and take responsibility for the result of your decision.