Enhanced Light Absorption of Solar Cells and Photo Detectors by Diffraction Michael Gaudio, Manhasset Science Research
Need Graph A: The Direct Relationship between the total solar electricity generation with total electricity consumption between 1996 to 1998.
Knowledge Base Picture A: Image of how light diffraction occurs through the wall ES/AAAKKHB0.GIF ES/AAAKKHB0.GIF
Knowledge Base Picture B: Light showing refraction through glass: Emergent Ray refracted to Incident Ray. gallery.hd.org
Knowledge Base Picture C: Light Reflection depicted through reflected rays of light at incident angles hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu
Literature Review Image A: Front Surface, n-Contact, 38 schematic in which Saleem H, Zaidi (2005) worked with.
Literature Review Image B: Solar Cell Components in which Gee, James M. (2005) worked with as an assistant to Saleem Zaidi.
Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to enhance light absorption of solar cells and photo detectors by utilizing light diffraction The Null Hypothesis is that light diffraction will not enhance the absorption of light by the solar cells The Alternate Hypothesis is that light diffraction will enhance the absorption of light by the solar cells
Methodology Enhanced Light Absorption of Solar Cells and Photodetectors by Diffraction Control- No light utilized for the process Variable- light is used Use Solar Cells for control and variable Front Surface, n-Contact, 38 Selective KOH etching to remove reactive ion etching Grating comprises wet chemical etching (RIE) Statistical Analysis- ANOVA, T-Test,
Protocols for Measurement Index of refraction N=C/V IQE measurements E ratio Image D: IQE expressed as a graph evaluating iodine and bromine
Do-Ability Yes, this method is do-able Only need solar cells, KOH (potassium hydroxide), and a light source to carry out protocol Worked with solar cells last year not to difficult method to follow
Budget Vendor Item # Object Quantity Price Frey Solar Cells 1 $10.85 Frey light source 1 $19.55 Frey KOH 1 $15.55
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