Humanism A Curriculum on “The Quality of Being a Man”


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Presentation transcript:

Humanism A Curriculum on “The Quality of Being a Man”

A. Characteristics 1. Revival of antiquity 2. Belief in individual and potential of humans 3. Embrace VIRTÚ - “the quality of being a man” idea of excelling in all pursuits

3. Focus on study of ancient languages A. Latin, intially B. Greek after Fall of Constantinople in 1453 C. Ancient texts translated by Largely reject Scholasticism in favor of: A. Favor Roman authors – esp. Cicero, Virgil B. Greek writers – esp. Plato C. Early Christian writers of New Testament

5. LIBERAL ARTS: Grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, politics, and moral philosophyLIBERAL ARTS: 6. Civic Humanism: ed. to prepare leaders 7. Humanism more secular and lay dominated

B. Major Figures 1. Petrarch – Father of Humanism A. Literature not sub. to religion. B. “Dark Ages” = time between fall of Roman Empire and Renaissance C. Used textual analysis of ancient texts.

2. Boccacio – Compiled Greek and Roman mythology encycl. A. Decameron most famous work earthy tales 2. Wisdom on human character

3. Pico della Mirandola A. Oration on the Dignity of Man 1. Most famous Ren. work on nature of humankind 2. Humans created by God and given tremendous potential for greatness, and even union with God if they desired it 3. Humans could also choose negative course. Thus, humans had FREE WILL to be great or fail.

4. Baldassare Castiglione A. The Book of the Courtier 1. Most important work on Ren. Education 2. Outlined qualities of a gentleman 3. Described ideal “Renaissance Man” 4. Medieval view = master in one area 5. Virtú