The Agricultural Revolution 1690 – 1790’s Food for the Masses
Agriculture of earlier years 80% of Western Europeans drew livelihood from farming. 80% of Western Europeans drew livelihood from farming. Unpredictable: bad weather led to famine. Unpredictable: bad weather led to famine. Lack of food weakened society, led to increases in diseases such as smallpox and influenza. Lack of food weakened society, led to increases in diseases such as smallpox and influenza : Finland lost 28% of population : Finland lost 28% of population.
Society and Farming Wealthy land owners bought more land from independent farmers and create enclosures – for farming experimentations. Wealthy land owners bought more land from independent farmers and create enclosures – for farming experimentations. Whether fair or not, by 1700 you had distinctive types of farmers: Whether fair or not, by 1700 you had distinctive types of farmers: Large Landowners($) – Tenant Farmers (rented and hired workers) – Peasant farmers (owned made little $) - Landless Workers. Large Landowners($) – Tenant Farmers (rented and hired workers) – Peasant farmers (owned made little $) - Landless Workers. By 1815, minority landowners held the land and relied on the landless laborers who became dependent on cash wages. By 1815, minority landowners held the land and relied on the landless laborers who became dependent on cash wages.
Leading Counties: Holland - England 17 th century 17 th century Small amounts of land, large population and “golden age” forced Holland to develop new farming methods. Small amounts of land, large population and “golden age” forced Holland to develop new farming methods. Known for drainage and water control. Known for drainage and water control. 18 th century 18 th century Adapted early practices from Holland. Adapted early practices from Holland. Enlightenment leads to innovations in farming. Enlightenment leads to innovations in farming.
The Seed Drill Invented by Jethro Tull in Invented by Jethro Tull in Allowed seeds to be planted in well spaced rows at specific depths. Allowed seeds to be planted in well spaced rows at specific depths. This guaranteed that seeds would be planted and correctly. This guaranteed that seeds would be planted and correctly.
Crop Rotations Rotating various crops allow for the earth to regain lost nutrients – helped produce more food. Rotating various crops allow for the earth to regain lost nutrients – helped produce more food. Ex: Wheat – Turnips – Barley – Clovers. Ex: Wheat – Turnips – Barley – Clovers.
Live Stock Breeding By allowing only the strongest and best sheep to breed a breeder could increase the amount of meat per animal. By allowing only the strongest and best sheep to breed a breeder could increase the amount of meat per animal. This starts the concepts of genetics. (How do the Nazi’s use this idea?) This starts the concepts of genetics. (How do the Nazi’s use this idea?)
The Results of the Agricultural Revolution The increase of food resulted in the following. The increase of food resulted in the following. 1. More food produced = Price of food ( ↓ ) 2. Price of food ↓ = Easier for all people to afford and buy 3. More people can buy food = stronger people. 4. Stronger People = Population ( ↑ )
As farmers lost their land to enclosures, many eventually moved away from the rural life and moved to the cities to become workers in newly developed factories. As farmers lost their land to enclosures, many eventually moved away from the rural life and moved to the cities to become workers in newly developed factories.