9Huia 25 Hui-Tanguru 2014 What we will do What we will learn Preliminaries and roll The importance of starting well Revisit the Scientific method The steps in a formal practical Brainstorm entries for our Bunsen practical How to transfer a fair test into a formal write-up Reading scales – temperature How to read temperature If not done yet, read the volume of liquid in a measuring cylinder How to give an accurate reading of liquid volume If time, Homework Reduction Time (HRT) in our Scipads How to make good use of time in class
HW item Skills practiced Assignment 9 Due Tues 15 June 12 Circular Motion
A formal version of our fair test on the Bunsen flame
Reading scales: temperature
The temperature of: Cold tap water is ….….. Hot tap water is ……... Ice water is…………. My armpit is………… Boiling water is………..