Declaring Independence
Taking Ticonderoga May 10 th 1775 Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold, and the Green Mountain Boys invade at dawn. Green Mountain Boys ◦Group of several hundred militia who formed under Ethan Allen in New Hampshire Important victory ◦First Patriot victory ◦Capture valuable artillery (cannons & guns) used in later battles ◦Provides protection from the north
Second Continental Congress May 10 th 1775 delegates begin to meet in Philadelphia ◦How to defend against British? ◦Form continental army with George Washington as commander ◦Untrained and undisciplined volunteers How to pay for troops and supplies? Authorized the printing of paper money Beginning to act as government
Bunker Hill Tensions in Boston continue to grow June 1775 militia take control of Bunker and Breeds Hill and build fortifications British are alarmed and attack with 2,200 troops Prescott-“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!” British won but militia hold ground and gain confidence
One last try July 1775 Olive Branch Petition ◦Asked the king to restore harmony between Britain and the Colonies ◦Petition rejected ◦Declares colonies are in rebellion ◦Blocked ports ◦Sends thousands of highly trained German soldiers “Hessians”
British Leave Boston Continental Army surround British in Boston Washington on his way ◦Cannons are brought from Ticonderoga and set up overlooking Boston ◦Threaten to bombard the city March 17 th General Howe withdraws troops ◦9,000 British soldiers and 1,000 Loyalist ◦leave
Common Sense Thomas Paine writes pamphlet challenging authority of British and inspiring people to fight for American independence Uses simple language all can understand More than 500,000 distributed ◦Read out loud in the streets and taverns ◦Call for independence becomes a roar!
Time to decide 2 nd Continental Congress undecided ◦Many delegates still did not support independence ◦Fighting for rights as English or Americans? June 7 th 1776 Richard Henry Lee introduces a resolution Calls for free and independent states All connections should be dissolved Delegates not ready to vote Committee appointed to write out intentions
Declaration The committee included Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson is chosen to write the declaration ◦Excellent writer ◦From Virginia
Declaration of Independence Identifies the moment at which the nation was born Four parts ◦1) The Preamble- Why they are declaring independence ◦2) Declaration of rights- all men are created equal, unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ◦3) List of grievances- Complaints against British Government ◦4) A Statement of Independence- States colonies are free and able to act so
Independence July 2 nd Lee’s call for freedom is passed Two days later the Declaration of Independence is adopted on July 4 th British saw this as the most serious of actions Americans had declared independence. Now they had to win their freedom on the battlefield.
Daily Assignment Chapter 6 - Section 4, page 181 ◦Complete ?’s #2,3,&4 Vocab quiz next class! No note cards – be prepared