0/11 Precision Measurements of the Standard Model and Searches for New Physics at CDF and ATLAS Aidan Robson Glasgow University
1/11 Hadron collider physics Origin of mass – Higgs mechanism? Beyond the Standard Model – SUSY? Extra dimensions?
2/11 Tevatron / CDF LHC / ATLAS exploit new data at energy frontier new, unique, precision Standard Model measurement targeted directly at LHC innovative search for new physics accelerate first physics results indirectly, through Tevatron measurements directly, applying techniques from Tevatron to characterise detector and pursue analysis Resulting understanding is essential before LHC ‘discoveries’ now: 10x statistics of top quark discovery; will double or triple by 2007 very exciting prospects Collider Detector at Fermilab A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS
3/11 p pTpT pZpZ antiprotonproton y 1/2 ln E+pzE–pzE+pzE–pz d 2 (pp Z) dp T dy CDF 0<|y|<11<|y|<22<|y|<3 d /dp T p T Z CDF: d /dp T p T Z d /dp T p T Z [~angular variable] Distribution different for different y?
4/11 p T (Z) / GeV d /dp T / nb/GeV all y|y| > 2 pp Z 0 X, Tevatron :√s=1.96TeV d /dp T / pb/GeV CDF e+e+ e–e– Nadolsky et al: global fits to HERA and fixed-target data suggest increased intrinsic p T carried by proton constituents, for interactions involving only a small fraction of proton’s momentum they insert extra factor in differential cross-section ; p T (Z) broadened at high y
5/11 p T (Z) / GeV d /dp T / nb/GeV d /dp T / pb/GeV pp Z 0 X e + e – X, LHC :√s=14TeV pp W + X e +, LHC :√s=14TeV |y e | < 2.5 p T e > 25 GeV |y e | < 2.5 p T e > 25 GeV E T > 25 GeV ATLAS e+e+ e–e– LHC: beam energies ~7x higher than Tevatron Probing new part of phase space Tevatron forward detectors map on to LHC central detectors Problem! W/Z production is a benchmark
6/11 CDF e+e+ e–e– only now have enough statistics – with 1/fb recorded now, have O(35k) events like this; of which O(10k) have |y|>2 statistical uncertainty < 3% p T (Z) / GeV d /dp T / pb/GeV |y(Z)| > 2 pp Z 0 X, √s=1.96TeV Challenges at CDF: knowledge of detector material count, energy scale uncertainties introduced by proton parton distribution fns handling backgrounds close to beampipe – I have achieved 2% understanding for 1<|y|<2 – will extend techniques to |y|>2 (Z)
7/11 Precise, high statistics measurement with mature, well-understood detector; tells us something new about the proton (intrinsic p T ) directs our expectations for LHC startup Will also yield: – tune theoretical calculations; reduce m W uncertainty; in turn constrain m H – reduce extrapolation uncertainty between J/ and Z to the W boson; reduce m W uncert. d (pp Z) dp T d 2 (pp Z/ *) dp T dm also use for searches
8/11 d /dm m ll / GeV d 2 (pp Z/ *) dp T dm d /dp T p T ll low mass Z pole high mass d /dp T p T ll d /dp T p T ll SUSY? Z ’ / extra dims? New ideas: Ratios of p T distributions? Cumulative integrals of p T distributions? Measure in mass bins; search in high-p T tails control dilepton
9/11 ATLAS commissioning and startup W and Z decays to leptons: golden channels for detector understanding Apply skills and techniques from CDF : calorimeter calibration development of lepton reconstruction trigger efficiency measurement – all areas where I have experience and expertise; underlie all physics measurements using leptons Bring together all of these elements in first physics measurements
10/11 First ATLAS physics Z (&W) production cross-section – foundation measurement Z rapidity distribution – how well has description of proton extrapolated to 14TeV? Search for Z ’ decaying to two leptons predicted by many new physics models resonant peak on small background visible even without ultimate detector performance mass of 1-2TeV should be detectable with few months’ data; analysis feasible in time-scale of fellowship starting in 2006.
11/11 Ambitious programme of measurements I am established at CDF: Thesis was first measurement to rely on absolute scales and acceptances of new forward detectors; cross-section measurements unprecedented in precision for hadron collider. Since then at CDF: Until recently I have been CDF Offline Operations Manager – calibrations/processing made data available; given me new technical skills that will help analysis I am co-convener of the W/Z working group Also in next six months contributing to H WW analysis At ATLAS: So far my contribution has been to hardware Glasgow group is very strong and an ideal environment to start physics – my programme is achievable
12/11 Proposed work: exploits wealth of new Tevatron data accelerates understanding of new LHC detectors first LHC physics output leads us to the major goals of hadron collider physics over the next 5-10 years
14/11 Tevatron lumi
15/ LHC: first collisions mid-07 l=10 30 cm -2 s -1, L~10pb -1 EW rates still significant: ~10 5 Z, 10 6 W, 10 5 tt, 10 7 jets Commission detector Lepton reconstruction Jet Energy Scale from Ws from top decays 2008 First physics data, l= cm -2 s -1 Commissioning L~0.5fb -1 of good data 2009 l=10 33 cm -2 s -1, L~10fb -1 ATLAS timetable Atlas timetable
16/11 =2 = m tracker had cal hadronic cal EM cal had cal solenoid pre-radiatorshower max silicon EM cal =1 CDF
17/11 Silicon Tracking Detectors Central Drift Chambers Solenoid Coil EM Calorimeter Hadronic Calorimeter Muon Drift Chambers Muon Scintillator Counters Steel Shielding polar angle = 1.0 = 0.6 = 2.0 CDF
18/11 Atlas
19/11 Nadolsky
20/11 ‡ Hamberg et al., Nucl.Phys. B359, 343 Harlander et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 88, . Br(Z/ * ee) = 3.9 (stat) 5.5 (sys) 15.3 (lum) pb (CDF, 72pb -1, winter 04 ) 66<m ll <116 GeV/c 2 NNLO Z/ * (66<m ll <116) ‡ : 252 9 pb total background 62 18 acceptance 31.9 0.4 % efficiency 71.3 1.2% kinematic/geometric lepton ID, trigger… partly statistical in nature .Br(Z ee) s.Br(Z->ee)
21/ ±0.024 NNLO (PDG) From LEP: (3.366 ± )% R e = 0.18 (stat) 0.16 (sys) (CDF, 72pb -1, winter 04 ) R = 0.15 (stat) 0.14 (sys) (CDF, 72pb -1, winter 04 ) electrons electrons + muons (W) = 2071 40 MeV world average: 2092 42 MeV + SM value for W (l ) NNLO calc 0.4 MeV (PDG) R and extraction of (W) R and Gamma(W)
22/11 PDF uncertainties – can see uncertainty from truncation of d /dy – change shape of differential cross-sections d /dy y central–central only central–central + central–forward different PDF sets ‘integrate out’ PDF differences ‘central– central’ ‘central– forward’ PDF uncertainties
23/11 dsdy at LHC
24/11 Higgs
25/11 p T Z arises from recoil against QCD radiation – significant non-perturbative contribution