A desmoid DT
April TM 29 year-old woman No past history Right parietal mass increasing in size for 5 months DT
April TM DT
Percutaneous needle core biopsy / sonography Desmoïd tumor Somatic mutation CTNNB1 T 41 A Beta-Catenin
Surgery? Wait and see? Medical treatment?
September 2012 Came in clinic with 2 months delay… Pregnancy: 10 weeks Imaging was not done Clinically: 5 cm mass (stable) Follow-up / sonography in 3 months TM DT
January 2013 Clinically: 8 cm mass April 2013 Gave birth to a healthy baby Clinically: ± 10 cm mass MRI end of April 2013
April 2013
Surgery? Wait and see? Medical treatment?
April 2013November 2013 May TM DT
Group C: DF previously diagnosed and still in situ at the time of pregnancy (including previous partial resection)