Chapter 6 – Cell Reproduction Cell Reproduction
All living things ________________. All living things pass on ________________to the next generation. However, not all living things reproduce the same way.
How are we who we are? What makes us…… Who made us this way?? Are we a product of sexual or asexual reproduction?
Chromosomes Chromosomes – _____________________________________.
Gene – _____________________________. – Codes for certain ____________.
Chromatids – _______________________ 2 _____________make a whole chromosome 4 “arms” Centromere -________________________.
_____ _____ _____ _____ ______
Check List 1) All living things need to ______________ in order to pass characteristics on to the next generation. 2) A ______________ contains DNA and is passed on to offspring. 3) A segment of DNA is called a ___________. 4) What is half a chromosome called? 5) What holds 2 chromatids together? 6) Draw out a chromosome and label: chromatid, centromere, and DNA. 7) Discuss in at least 3 sentences about what DNA looks like, how its important in our life, and why it is important that if something goes wrong with DNA what could happen.
Chapter 6 Section 2
Cell Reproduction A cell reproduces by dividing into two cells – called ______________.
Mitosis – ___________________ __________________
*Mitosis is IMPORTANT: Its how living things ____________ : – Bone cells divide to form new bones – Plants roots grow further into ground as cells at the root’s tips grow and divide Its how living things ____________ : – Cut on the skin
Important facts about Mitosis: 1) Helps living things grow and repair. 2) Produces offspring that are exactly identical to parent. 3) Example of asexual reproduction.
Parent cell divides into _____________
5 STEPS : I - P - M - A - T -
1 )Interphase Chromosomes get ___________________
2) Prophase – “prepare” Nuclear membrane _________________
3) Metaphase – “meet in the middle” Chromosomes line up in the _____________. Spindles - ________________________________
4) Anaphase – “apart” Chromosomes are pulled _____________ __________ are pulled/move to the poles of the cell.
5) Telophase – “two” _________________forms around new chromosomes Membrane starts to form between_______________________ Splits into 2 new _________________.
Check List 1) Draw out the steps of Mitosis (PMAT) if you start off with a total of 4 chromosomes in the nucleus. – Label each step and put key parts to what is happening.
Check List 1) Define Mitosis. 2) Mitosis is an example of what kind of reproduction? 3) What happens during interphase? 4) What is IPMAT? What happens during each step? 5) Mitosis helps living things ___________ and ____________. 6) Explain why it is important for the nuclear membrane to disappear during mitosis?
Section 3 Asexual vs Sexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction Asexual reproduction - ____________________________________ Keys to: – _______________
2 types of Asexual Reproduction Budding - ____________________ ____________________ __ – Ex:
Regeneration - ______________________ ______________________ – Ex:
Advantage and Disadvantage Advantage = Disadvantage =
Sexual Reproduction Sexual reproduction - ____________________________________ Keys to: – __________________
Sex Cells Male – ________________ Female – ________________
_________ +__________ ______________ Fertilized cell - ______________________
Meiosis - _________________________________ – _________ & __________
Advantage and Disadvantage Advantage = Disadvantage =
Checks Asexual vs Sexual Reproduction Mitosis vs Meiosis Body cells vs Sex Cells Male vs Female Chromosome vs Chromatid Gene vs DNA Identical vs Variation IPMAT –
Check List 1) _________ is a form of asexual reproduction that body cells go through to make more cells. 2) What are the two forms of asexual reproduction seen in plants and animals? 3) Male sex cells are known as _________, whereas female sex cells are known as ____________. 4) If these 2 cells combine from #3, if forms a ____________ cell, which is like a baby. 5) Meiosis is involved in __________ cells, whereas Mitosis is involved in ____________ cells. 6) Give an example of an organism that goes through regeneration: 7) Give an example of an organism that goes through budding: 8) Sexual reproduction involves ____ parents and creates offspring with ________________.
Zygote Gametes Centrioles What starts with an “E” and ends with an “E” but only contains one letter and travels all around the world. An ____________________