What is a Carbon Footprint?
What is a tonne of Carbon Dioxide? A tonne of Carbon dioxide written tCO2 is the international reporting standard for CO2 in metric tonnes. There are 2,204 pounds in each metric tonne of CO2. 1 tCO2 is equal to the weight of a Volkswagen Beetle.
What is a tonne of Carbon Dioxide? 1 ton of CO2 easily fills up a 19,000 cubic feet / 556 cubic meters container.
Magic Carbon Output in Elephants An average adult Asian elephant is the equivalent to 5tCO2 in weight.
Magic Carbon Output in Average American Homes The Average American home produce 12tCO2 per year.
Magic Carbon Output in Terms of the Earth. The circumference of the Earth is 24,000 miles. For a Ford F-150 averaging 20 mpg to drive around the Earth, it would take 1,200 gallons of fuel. This trip would produce 10tCO2.
7 Activity Data XEmissions Factors = GHG emissions from a given source Total these for MTCDE How to Assess Footprint
8 Purpose of Inventory Internal planning for carbon neutrality Outreach vehicle - stakeholder dialogue platform Educational tool, Compliance tool Purpose of Footprint
Planning a GHG Inventory Questions that need to be considered include: What business unites/facilities will be included in the inventory (organizational boundary)? What GHG sources and activities will be included (operational boundary)? What base year will selected? Planning a GHG Inventory
Inventory Work Has Several Stages secure management support establish a team & prepare budget define inventory boundary determine sources of emissions select base year design efficient data management system obtain appropriate data, ensure data quality apply calculation tools guard against calculation errors identify emission reduction opportunities decide on target type & level implement emission reduction activities publicly report complete inventory information This slide courtesy of WRI Stages of Inventory
11 Operational Boundaries Graphic courtesy of the World Resources Institute Operational Boundaries
Seth Keller International Carbon Bank & Exchange, Inc Office Thank You!