Prepared by: Forging a Comprehensive Initiative to Improve Birth Outcomes and Reduce Infant Mortality in [State] Adapted from AMCHP Birth Outcomes Compendium Tools
What to expect this morning and afternoon Group exercises summarizing and interpreting findings from the inventory and identifying collective strengths Brainstorm on the opportunities presented Group commitment to shared discoveries Assignments for action (internal and external)
Meeting Goals Expand the partner base and network for referral across counties Collectively commit to transforming the model of service delivery in [XX Region] by aligning services and programs and identifying existing and potential partnerships Demonstrate a process for assessing and mapping activities to build sustainable partnerships, targeted interventions, and needed services.
Meeting Objectives Assess current initiatives to reveal collective strengths as well as potential service gaps to improve maternal and infant health outcomes. Identify opportunities for engaging new partners and approaching our work differently as a result of this process. Recommend actions to transform region-wide collaborations based on aligning activities with the Health Impact Period to address individual and population health needs. Obtain stakeholder input to inform state Title V Maternal & Child Health (MCH) priorities for the period
Learning Objectives Participants will leave this meeting with… A clear understanding of the purpose of assessing activities to improve birth outcomes A clear understanding of the MCH programs and services in the [XX Region], the Health Impact Pyramid, the domains of the AMCHP Birth Outcomes Compendium, and the Title V Needs Assessment. At least one new potential partner important for achieving the mission of their programs. Ability to identify how their activities and role contribute to a comprehensive shared agenda to improve birth outcomes in [State].
Staff and Facilitators Staff Name
Icebreaker Come up with a team name for your table!
Setting the Stage and Context
Overview of health status of women, children, and families in [State] Rationale for inventory and project plan Describe the Birth Outcomes Compendium as a tool for [the state] Review the process of disseminating the inventory Presentation Overview
Insert slides detailing data on key indicators across regions in the state and in the state overall The Health of MCH Populations in [State]
Insert slides on why the use of the inventory is important to [State], your timeline, and how the results will be used Inventory Rationale and Project Plan
The AMCHP Birth Outcomes Compendium
60 national-source recommendations 60 state-source recommendations
Recommendations Program examples Policy examples Evidence base Innovative ideas Best practices Action steps Strategies One resource
180+ specific strategies 60 action steps 80+ program/policy examples 7 recommendations One resource
Seven recommendations for improving birth outcomes and reducing infant mortality 1) Implement Health Promotion Efforts 2) Ensure Quality of Care for All Women and Infants 3) Improve Maternal Risk Screening for All Women of Reproductive Age 4) Enhance Service Integration for Women and Infants 5) Improve Access to Health Care for Women Before, During and After Pregnancy 6) Develop Data Systems to Understand and Inform Efforts 7) Promote Social Equity
Action steps & specific strategies Action step Specific strategies
Case studies
Inventory process Partnership between [list organizations involved] Develop inventory – what do we need to know? Pilot the inventory Disseminate Analyze findings, align with compendium
Snapshot of questions asked Key partners Primary funding sources Service type –Education type Referrals Populations served, insurance status, refugees (Y/N), undocumented (Y/N), races/ethnicities MCH State Priority Needs Title V MCH Block grant Performance Measures Healthy People 2020 Data Sources Priority areas (compendium domains) Community health assessment participation
Inventory Findings
Exercise 1
What is collective impact? “The commitment of a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific social problem.” - Adapted from Kania & Kramer 2011, Stanford Social Innovation Review
What is collective impact? “ The process and results of collective impact are emergent rather than predetermined, the necessary resources and innovations often already exist but have not yet been recognized, learning is continuous, and adoption happens simultaneously among many different organizations.” “The power of collective impact lies in the heightened vigilance that comes from multiple organizations looking for resources and innovations through the same lens, the rapid learning that comes from continuous feedback loops, and the immediacy of action that comes from a unified and simultaneous response among all participants.”
Endpoint ≠ inventory; Endpoint = relationships!
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Post-Assessment and Evaluation