Troop 61 – May 13, 2015
Overview of Eagle Requirements Merit Badges Leadership Motivational Help and Tips The Eagle Project
Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class Many requirements. If you show up, you advance. Star, Life Merit Badges, Show Leadership, 6 months each, 6 hours of service Eagle 21 Merit Badges (13 Required) Hold a Leadership Position Service Project Active in the Troop for six month after Life Four recommendations
1. Swimming / Hiking / Cycling 2. Camping 3. Environmental Science or Sustainability 4. Lifesaving / Emergency Preparedness 5. Communications 6. First Aid 7. Personal Fitness 8. Family Life 9. Personal Management 10. Citizenship in Community 11. Citizenship in Nation 12. Citizenship in World 13. Cooking
Five/Six are offered at Summer Camp Swimming Camping Environmental Science Lifesaving Cooking Emergency Preparedness – must be coordinated in advance of Summer camp (see Doc)
Two are offered at Friday Meetings First Aid Offered once a year Taught over 3-4 meetings Communications Offered once a year Taught over 5-6 “Open Advancement” meetings
Three have 90 day recording requirements Personal Fitness Design and Track an exercise program for 90 days Can be done as part of a school sport Must be checked weekly/bi-weekly by counselor Personal Management Design and Track a budget for 90 days Must be checked weekly/bi-weekly by counselor Family Life Design and Track a home chore plan for 90 days Must be checked weekly/bi-weekly by counselor Carry out a project that you do around the home that benefits your family Plan and carry out a project that involves the participation of your family
Three are Citizenship MBs Citizenship in Community, Nation, & World Much work can be done at home Work with friends at Friday meetings Meet one-on-one with Counselor after homework is complete
Two MBs offered through Council Clinics First Aid Winter and Fall clinic at Three Harbors headquarters Scout needs to make a First Aid Kit Personal Management Fall clinic at Three Harbors headquarters Still need to complete the 90 day program
Camping Joe Hagen/Tom Pelt Environmental Science Joel Gebhard Tim Urbaniak Swimming Pat Morse Paul Roback Life Saving Paul Roback Pat Morse
First Aid Rick Tourtillott Doc Communications Mike Hauman Cooking Jasha Walters Brian Mosicki
Personal Fitness Zach Groeschl Gary Hoffman Citizenships Don Redman Paul Roback Jim Sullivan Personal Management Pat Morse Family Life Mike Hauman Jeff Saeger
Read the Merit Badge Pamphlet They are in the office. Free. (Please return when done.) Call the Counselor and make an appointment You can meet anytime – not just a Friday meeting Meet at scout house, or counselor’s preferred location Off hours meetings must be attended by a parent All Merit Badges can be earned outside the Troop List of Council Merit Badge Counselors is in the office Complete the requirements then make an appointment All Merit Badge requirements and workbooks are on the Web. Use Google.
Meetings Don’t need to come to all Help is needed on “Open Advancement” nights to teach younger scouts Outings Should make effort to attend Help especially needed at Summer Camp High Adventure Trip should not be only outing of the year Service Projects Should make effort to attend – 6hrs needed for Star and Life
Patrol Leader Senior Patrol Leader Instructor (more than 1 position) Den Chief (more than 1 position) Troop Guide (more than 1 position) Troop Librarian Troop Historian Quarter Master Junior Assistant Scoutmaster
Parents can and should nudge The scout must be motivated, but parents still have a role Start the 90 day programs ASAP This is the single hardest part to complete! It can take 4 years to complete 90 days Put plans on the Refrigerator Get the whole family involved in reminders
Rick Tourtillott - Eagle Project Coach Project must be approved by Troop Committee (Eagle coach), Scoutmaster, Benefactor, and District Advancement Chairman Troop can provide some funds if needed (up to $200) Can start project after earning Life Must be planned and run by scout Must involve scouts from Troop Must benefit Community
To advise and counsel an Eagle candidate through the process of developing and executing the Eagle Service Project. Help the scout by: Providing information, motivation and guidance Showing how the pieces of the puzzle fit together without taking over the project 18
Help the Scout by: Identifying barriers and, when appropriate, guiding the Scout around them Communicating the importance of developing a detailed plan and exercising leadership Guiding him to a BSA-compliant project of value to the community Help to identify safety concerns 19
I will be involved in all phases: Candidate’s selection of project Proposal development Detailed planning development Project execution Preparation for final Eagle Board of Review 20
21 Parents/Scout Leaders If the scout stumbles or doesn’t get out of first gear We should… Provide encouragement and guidance through open-ended questions Encourage Scout to come up with his own ideas Avoid temptation to take the lead
Project Selection: Religious, school, community/of the world Plan, Develop, Lead (example: Landscaping project) What are the restrictions No minimum hours No routine labor (ie – weeding soccer fields) Project can’t be a fundraiser. You can do a fundraiser to support your project (obtain materials) One candidate per project No BSA properties or entities Must involve other scouts from troop. Others can help 24
Project Proposal (pgs 7 – 10) : State how the project meets the requirements of an Eagle project Indicate how the project is feasible and realistic Present any potential safety issues and how they will be treated Present key steps to ensure that the plan will have enough detail to be carried out successfully. Proposal write up must use official BSA Workbook (the official BSA Electronic version is the only document to be used: No found at do not use any other source) 25
26 Eagle Workbook Page 8 Materials and Supplies – Reasonable idea of what is needed. If not needed, respond “Not Applicable”
27 Eagle Workbook Page 9
28 Eagle Workbook Page 10 (top)
29 Eagle Workbook Page 10 (bottom)
Project Final Plan (pgs 11-16) : Contains detailed steps, work processes, material lists, funding, expenses, and project planning The Project Plan provides a framework for constructing the planning details that are essential for project success and leadership development. Must be completed before project starts. Allow yourself 1-2 weeks. 30
Eagle Workbook Page 12 31
Eagle Workbook Page 13 32
33 Eagle Workbook Page 14
34 Eagle Workbook Page 15
Project Fundraising Application (pgs 17-18) : Projects that involve fundraising require this form to be filled out and approved by the Council Forms can be dropped off at either council offices – Attention: Charlie Tinsley Allow 2 weeks for approval The troop can provide some funds if needed (up to $200). You must appear in front of the Committee at a monthly committee meeting Some grants are available (Lowe’s) 36
37 Eagle Workbook Page 17 & 18
Project Final Report (pgs 19-20) : (Eagle Board approval required): Prepared after the project is completed Summarize how the project went Any changes, staffing numbers How Leadership demonstration 38
39 Eagle Workbook Page 19
40 Eagle Workbook Page 20
41 Eagle Workbook Page 21
Gather relief supplies for US troops Gather relief supplies for victims of natural disasters or poverty Build a nature trail at school Build and place bird / bat houses Build and place benches on a community trail Build boat landing or trail restoration at Summer Camp Beachfront and camp restoration at Summer Camp Paint the kitchen at school Paint hall at church Landscaping for a church or school Replace fence at cemetery Build Little Libraries for a neighborhood association