Confidential—For Internal Use Only Millennial & InVEST Survey Analysis November 2015
Confidential—For Internal Use Only How do you purchase auto insurance?
Confidential—For Internal Use Only How did you (or would you) find your current insurance provider?
Confidential—For Internal Use Only Which communication channels do you use to interact with your current insurance provider?
Confidential—For Internal Use Only Which of the following communication channels would you prefer to use when interacting with an insurance provider?
Confidential—For Internal Use Only When thinking about purchasing insurance, how important would this be in your decision: 24/7 customer service
Confidential—For Internal Use Only When thinking about purchasing insurance, how important would this be in your decision: Providing access to information & service through a mobile app
Confidential—For Internal Use Only When thinking about purchasing insurance, how important would this be in your decision: Other options Note: These options were only asked on the InVEST survey.