Labor Unions Organizations representing workers’ interests. Early 1800’s British workers started to organize first labor unions. They organized strikes, or work stoppages. Labor Unions legalized in 1871 in Great Britain American workers began to organize and developed the first labor union in the mid-1800’s
People were economically encouraging laissez faire approach to governments involvement in business Competing Economic Views Socialism – the idea that society or government, instead of individuals, should own property and control industry
Karl Marx – wrote the Communist Manifesto Communism – The idea that government owns almost all the means of production and controls the economic planning.
Effects on Society Rise of new economic ideas Shift away from cottage industries Home life and the roles of women Standard of living increases
Advances in Technology Electric Power Edison’s Light bulb Advances in Transportation Steam-Powered Trains Bessemer Process Steamships Automobile – Henry Ford Airplane - Wilbur and Orville Wright
Advances in Communication Telegraph- Samuel Morse Telephone- Alexander Graham Bell Radio- Guglielmo Marconi
New Ideas in Science Evolution- Charles Darwin Medical Brakthroughs Pasteurization- Louis Pasteur