Chicago was a typical frontier settlement Dirty fur trappers, wealthy speculators, and fugitives Animals wandered on dirt roads French outdoorsmen, British colonists, and Native Americans
Chicago passed from French control, to British authority, and finally to American control (30 years) Chicago started to look like and Anglo- American town by the early 1800s for the first time Britain hoped to weaken the French so they engaged them in a war around the world In America the war was know as the French and Indian War
Britain defeated France in the war in 1763 and took control of Chicago and surrounding area Chicago was a low priority of the British b/c it was a dirty, small, and swampy place When the newly formed country, the U.S.A., defeated the British in 1783 everything from the Ohio river Valley to the Mississippi River was won by the U.S.A. In the 1780s Illinois had about 1,000 white settlers
Non-native first: Jean Baptiste Pointe Du sable Most likely was a mulatto of French and Hatian ancestry Believed to be very well-educated Built large house, store, and barn along the Chicago River and present-day Mich. Ave.
Chicago was officially surrendered by the Potawatomi in 1795 after their defeat of Fallen Timbers (Treaty of Greenville) Ft. Dearborn was built at present-day Wacker Dr.and Mich.Ave. in 1803 The order to build was give by Pres. Thomas Jefferson to show the British and Natives that America intended on protecting the region Chicago was now transforming from a local gathering place/frontier settlement into an American town.