Ministry Strategy 201 The Strategy of Learning, Class 2
Darrell Owens Darrell is the Lead Pastor of Christ the Rock Community Church in Cooper City, Florida. This dynamic church has 3,000 in worship. Darrell acknowledged God’s call to ministry when he was 13 years old and has been in full time ministry for over twenty years. Over those twenty years, his experiences have included ministering to youth in an inner city ministry, being an international trainer for Promise Keepers, and serving alongside two pastors in large congregations. He joined the staff at Christ the Rock in pastoral care in 2006 and accepted the call to become the Lead Pastor in 2008.
Class 2—Strategy of Learning This class will examine the vision, strategy and practices of learning in a church. What do you want adults to learn? What mechanisms are used, such as adult classes, small groups, missional groups, sermon-based groups? What results do you want to see and want not to see? Obviously, no church sets out to create people with “just Bible facts,” but how does one guard against that? There are various ways to balance learning, doing and discipleship. What are the strengths and pitfalls of various styles? What is the difference between the strategy and how it is really being played out?
Mission Leading People to an ever growing relationship with Jesus Christ
Vision A Vibrant Community Demonstrated by: Maturing Believers functioning in a Healthy Body advancing as a Strong Army.
Strategy Men’s and Women’s Ministry, Experiencing God, Master Life, Crown Financial, BASIC, Celebrate Recovery, Home Builders
Practices Weekly Gatherings
Practices Tuesday – 6:30-8:30 Women~ 380 Girls (ages 10-17)~ 50 Young Women (ages 18-21)~15 Men~150 Thursday – 10:30am-12:30pm Women~50 Saturday – 8am- 10am Men~50
Structure We have structure in the Women’s Class to manage what sisters do naturally – Share Life. We relax structure in the Men’s Class to foster what men do unnaturally – Share Life.
Men’s Ministry
Rules Every man brings his Bible [every man starts at the table of contents] Every question has Value Every comment is Respected Every emotion is welcomed, including Anger Every man session is Confidential Every Man Bows to Pray