June 28, 2015
Revelation Introduction Author: John the Apostle Written To: The seven churches in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) Date and Place of Writing: Approximately 95 A.D. John was exiled on the Island of Patmos. Location where prisoners were exiled by the Roman authorities. Theme: The unveiling (Greek: Apocalypse…Apokalupsis) of Jesus Christ, or The Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Last Days Category: Prophecy Outline: Christ reveals Himself to John (1:1-20) Letters to the Seven Churches (2:1-3:22) The Heavenly Throne (4:1-5:14; Rapture of the Church) The Seven Seals (6:1-8:5; 144,000) The Seven Trumpets (8:6-11:19; Two Witnesses) The Seven Figures (12:1-14:20; Women with child/Dragon/Beast/Lamb/False Prophet/etc.) The Bowls of Wrath (15:1-16:21) Babylon Judged (17:1-19:10) Beast and False Prophet Judged (19:11-21; Full judgment) Satan Judged (20:1-3; Satan bound 1,000 years) Thousand-Year Reign (20:4-6; Jesus reign) Rebellion and Final Judgment (20:7-15; White Throne Judgment) New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem (21:1-22:5; Description) Conclusion (22:6-21)
1.Revelation is the only New Testament book that focuses primarily on prophetic events. 2.Revelation is the only book of the Bible pronounces a special blessing for reading, hearing, and obeying the prophecy within (Rev 1:3). 3.Revelation pronounces a distinct curse at the end (Rev 22: 18-19). 4.Revelation begins and ends with the Second Coming of Christ. 5.Revelation is the only book in Scripture that refers to the “thousand years” (Millennium) specifically by name (Rev 20: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). 6.Revelation contains more references to numbers, especially (7) seven (more than 50 times) and twelve (over twenty times), than any other New Testament book. 7.In Revelation, the ministry of the angles is very prominent, and angels are mentioned some seventy-four times. 8.Revelation is one of the few books in the Bible to state the exact location of its writing (Rev 1:9). 9.Revelation is the only one of the five New Testament books written by John in which he identifies himself by name (Rev 1:1, 4, 9; 21:2; 22:8). 10.Revelation contains John’s final, recorded written words. Facts of Revelation
The Revelation of Jesus Christ Purpose of Writing: To tell them of the things he saw (Revelation 1) To show His servants (us) the things which are (Chapters 2 & 3) To show His servants the things which shall be hereafter, or after this things (Revelation 4-22)
Number References
The Judgments (Seals)
The Judgments (Trumpets)
The Judgments
Discussion Why is Revelation difficult for people to discuss? As you continue to grow in your understanding of Revelation, do you see this book differently? Why?