Campus Life JEOPARDY
Divide into 4 teams Select a team captain Teams will take turns selecting a category and point value. If team answers incorrectly, the other teams can buzz in. Wait to be called on. The team with the most points at the end of the game WINS! Rules
How I Love UIW Oh The Places You Will Go Campus Traditions At Your Service At Your Service
Name one of the five tenets of the UIW mission. answer How I Love UIW: 700 pts
EducationFaithInnovationServiceTruth Answer: 700 pts
How do I get information about UIW student organizations? answer How I Love UIW: 600 pts
Visit: Leadership Activities Office (210) SGA Activities Fair Website: Answer: 600 pts
Who is the president of UIW? answer How I Love UIW: 500 pts
Dr. Louis J. Agnese, Jr. Answer: 500 pts
What is the religious denomination of the women who founded the University? answer How I Love UIW: 400 pts
Catholic (Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word) Answer: 400 pts
What are the UIW school colors? answer How I Love UIW: 300 pts
Red and Black Answer: 300 pts
What red bird is the UIW mascot and also the title of a high-ranking official in the Catholic church? answer How I Love UIW: 200 pts
Cardinal Answer: 200 pts
What year was UIW founded? What year was UIW founded? answer How I Love UIW: 100 pts
1881 Answer: 100 pts
Name one mass or service time held in Our Lady’s Chapel? answer Oh the Places: 700 pts
Tuesday-Thursday, 12:00 pm Sunday, 10:30 am and 8:00 pm 3 rd Sunday, Interdenominational Worship Service 4:00 – 5:30 pm Answer: 700 pts
Name one of the three 1st Year Student Residence Halls? answer Oh the Places: 600 pts
Clement (men/women) Colbert (women) Marian (women) Answer: 600 pts ClementColbertMarian
What building is Campus Ministry, Career Services and Counseling located in? answer Oh the Places: 500 pts
Chapel Building Answer: 500 pts
Where do I go to add meal points to my UIW ID card? (10% discount) answer Oh the Places: 400 pts
Business Office Answer: 400 pts
Where do I go when I am feeling sick? answer Oh the Places: 300 pts
Health Center (Ground floor of Agnese-Sosa Living Learning Center Garage) Answer: 300 pts
Where can I get my UIW student ID card? answer Oh the Places: 200 pts
Campus Life Office (Marian Student Center) Answer: 200 pts
Where can a commuter student hop on to the UIW shuttle service? answer Oh the Places: 100 pts
Marian Student Center Circle and the ICC II Answer: 100 pts
What San Antonio university is our arch-rival in sports? answer Campus Traditions: 700 pts
St. Mary’s University Skin the Rattlers! Answer: 700 pts
What day of the week do we wear red and black? answer Campus Traditions: 600 pts
Red and Black Attack THURSDAY Answer: 600 pts
What is the name of the week with free events to welcome new and returning students? answer Campus Traditions: 500 pts
Answer: 500 pts
What is the on-campus fall festival that features bands, food and fun and is open to the community? answer Campus Traditions: 400 pts
Answer 400 pts
What is the free dinner for all UIW students that features pasta as the main course? answer Campus Traditions: 300 pts
President’s Spaghetti Dinner Answer: 300 pts
For what event do students collect over 3 tons of food from the community with the Student Government Association? answer Campus Traditions: 200 pts
Golden Harvest Answer: 200 pts
What is the free meal for new students that takes place on August 18 th and features a very nice Pinning Ceremony? answer Campus Traditions: 100 pts
Welcome Dinner RSVP Monday, Aug. 14 th (210) Answer: 100 pts
Which Sunday of the month is the Interdenominational Worship Service held? answer At Your Service: 700 pts
Third Sunday of the Month Answer: 700 pts
When will I receive information about my room assignment and roommate? answer At Your Service: 600 pts
Late June Answer: 600 pts
What time do the UIW gates close for the night? answer At Your Service: 500 pts
11:00 pm Answer: 500 pts
What office would you visit to find part time jobs, information about changing your major, or to prepare for interviews? answer At Your Service: 400 pts
Career Services Answer: 400 pts
What day is the Health Center doctor on-campus? answer At Your Service: 300 pts
Tuesday Mornings Answer: 300 pts
What leadership course can a student with less than 32 credit hours take? What leadership course can a student with less than 32 credit hours take? answer At Your Service: 200 pts
Emerging Leaders Answer: 200 pts
What is the main phone number for UIW? answer At Your Service: 100 pts
(210) Answer: 100 pts