External Advisers Conference Facilitators John Young Ken Mc Caughey
School Development Planning
Specialist Schools Revised Curriculum LMS Together Towards Improvement SENDO ET Strategy Revised Curriculum Numeracy Strategy Literacy Strategy Extended School Demographics On-line Assessment Self-evaluation
The S.D.P is primarily a working document for use by the school. It will be based on the school’s analysis of current levels of performance. Its assessment of how current trends and future factors may impact on the school and set out priorities and targets for improvement for the period ahead. What is School Development Planning?
“A duty on the B.O.G to prepare and from time to time, to revise the school development plan. While governors may delegate the preparation of the plan to the principal, it is the B.O.G. that must formally approve the plan.” Legislation places:
Statement about ethos Summary of strategies for (a) learning, teaching and assessment (b) promoting pupil attendance, good behaviour and discipline Nature and Quality of (i) progress of pupils (ii) management, structure within the school (iii) teaching provided What must be included:
Arrangements for C.P.D. of staff Curricular and extra-curricular provision for pupils SEN provision made for pupils Pastoral care provision for pupils Arrangements for managing attendance and promotion of health and well-being of staff and pupils Schools link with parents and wider community Schools accommodation.
Extent of which school has met it’s key targets in previous plan. Challenges and opportunities facing the school List of school’s key targets Extent of which B.O.G. has consulted with pupils’ parents, staff and others in preparing the plan Monitoring, reviewing and evaluation arrangement of B.O.G. for measuring progress of the plan Schools current financial position and projected Resources
Key Purposes Promote school effectiveness Prioritise and allocate resources Improve quality of Learning and Teaching Improve quality of experiences for pupils Raise standard of pupils attainment
Key Stages of School Development Planning Schools ethos culture and aims Current provision and areas for improvement Priorities for action Monitoring and reviewing arrangements.
Conclusion School Development Plan should have a significant impact on: Experiences of pupils Quality of Learning and Teaching Standards that pupils attain Motivation and morale of staff Ethos of school
Copy of the Plan Provided to: Each member of Board of Governors Local Education & Library Board To anyone who asks for it.