January 2013 Action Plan Skills Building: Module 4 Implementing and Evaluating the Action Plan
2 Action Plan Skills Building Workshop Module 3: Planning the Details Module 4: Implementing and Evaluating Module 1: Getting Started Module 2: Defining Purpose and Scope
3 Learning Objectives Strengthen skills to: Market the action plan Secure resources Take the necessary steps to ensure successful implementation
Outline 4 Obtaining high-level commitment Implementing activities and monitoring and evaluation
Obtaining high-level commitment 5 Commitment & approval at national high-level: general and/or specific needs to be obtained at various stages of the action plan development process may take the form of written agreements, ministerial directives, legislative amendments, etc. Can be followed by external high level commitment
6 Assessing Potential Bottlenecks to Commitment Obstacles or bottlenecks could include: Competing priorities that might threaten support for the AP a lack of awareness about the topic or issue contradictory or duplicative mandates (or lack of a mandate) related to the AP
Raising Awareness of Benefits of Taking Action 7 Communicate AP intentions to those who have decision making power AP itself can provide good overview of the benefits Link to other national priorities (e.g. national development plan) Tailor to specific audiences, e.g. one-page summary specifically for busy decision makers
Example: Ministerial Briefing Notes 8 Briefing notes should include: a succinct statement of the case or issue essential background information, current status recommendations made or directions sought, if any
9 Securing Adequate Human and Financial Resources Resources are essential for implementation “In-kind” and national resources are essential contributors AP’s value will be evaluated against other competing national requirements Relate AP to other essential or high priority national activities such as sustainable development Stress that the benefits outweigh the costs
10 Implementing Planned Activities Having gained approval and support for the action plan, initiate implementation, e.g.: Select project team leader & team members Initial team meeting to agree process Are sub-groups necessary? e.g. for stockpile disposal, reduction of emissions, etc. Prepare “inception” or “start-up” document to summarise goal, objectives and major activities, as well as list of participants
Monitoring the implementation phase helps to ensure that the AP is on schedule Has each milestone been met according to schedule? Have certain activities been more challenging than expected and did this affect the quality? Are there times where the estimated costs have exceeded expectations? 11 Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation (cont.) Evaluate from time to time attainment of objectives (goal) if indicators met, safe to say objectives being achieved if indicators demonstrate certain objectives not met, assess what went wrong, revise action plan 12
Monitoring and Evaluation: Three Important Steps 1.Measure Progress against milestones, the planned schedule, budget, etc evaluate effectiveness based on indicators 2. Analyse the situation to determine cause of any positive or negative deviations 3. Determine necessary action, modifications...adjust AP if necessary 13
Provides “history” and “feedback” for future action Purpose and scope of the AP Progress or evaluation (using milestones, indicators, etc.) Deviations from the initial AP (quality, time, cost, etc.)? Are/were the expenditures according to plan? Lessons learnt for further actions? Conclusions (including any reports/publications) 14 AP Progress Reports and Final Report
AP Skills Building Guidelines 15 Mod 1. Getting Started: Preparatory Tasks and Considerations Mod 2. Defining Action Plan Purpose and Scope Establishing the Problem Statement & Goal Conducting a Situation and Gap Analysis Setting Objectives and Indicators Mod 3. Planning the Details: Activities, Timelines, Resources, and More… Mod 4. Implementing and Evaluating the Action Plan Obtaining Commitment Implementing Activities and Monitoring and Evaluation
Thank you Chemicals and Waste Management Programme United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10 Tel: Fax: