Raising Engagement: A Toolkit for Enhancing PDP Strategy, Policy and Practice Kirsty Miller & Stuart Cross for University of Dundee PDP Consultancy Team Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 2 At a glance…. free, accessible, 'off the shelf' resource multi-use: workshop materials, checklists for teams & individuals flexible for use with diverse range of staff and HEIs includes Commentaries - useful context setters & ‘issues at a glance’ Scottish context but applicable UK wide use in conjunction with QAA PDP Guidance (2009) Draft
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 3 Commissioned by the Scottish PDP Forum Key project sponsors: QAAS, HE Academy, CRA Outcome to be a self- assessment toolkit Take account of revised UK- wide PDP Guidance and the ‘Effective Learning Framework’ (ELF) project Origin and Context of the Project
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 4 The Project’s Brief To enable HEIs to analyse and evaluate their teaching and learning strategies in respect of the implementation of PDP To complement the revised QAA Personal development planning: guidance for institutional policy and practice in higher education To reflect the culture of quality enhancement operating in Scottish Higher Education
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 5 The Project’s Aims & Objectives For all stakeholders, to provide: a practical means of enhancing the design, development and implementation of PDP clarity on the process of implementing PDP emphasis on PDP-type reflective activities for effective student learning The Project’s Aims & Objectives
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 6 Project Development Timeline 2008 Mar Expression of interest submitted Apr Contract awarded May Initial discussions with QAAS, HE Academy Scotland, CRA + drafting of outline structure Jun PDP Forum meeting – 1st workshop consultation Jul Employability Co-ordinators Group; PDP Guidelines Advisory Group – discussions Jul-Oct Drafts SAQs + commentaries written Oct PDP Forum meeting – 2nd workshop consultation Nov CRA Residential – 3 rd Workshop consultation Dec Article in CRA PDP and ePortfolio Newsletter
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide Jan Draft toolkit submitted to QAAS Feb Initial QAAS feedback taken into account Feb Formal external review process initiated (Mark Atlay and Bridges CETL team at Univ of Bedfordshire) Mar Final QAA guidance on PDP (2 nd edn) published Mar Reviewer’s feedback received + final toolkit draft submitted Jun Initial print design agreed Jun Launch of toolkit Project Development Timeline
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 8 Structure of the Toolkit Executive summary Background, context, structure User guide, mapping of Aspects to stakeholder interests 14 Aspects, each with Introduction and Self- Assessment Questions (188 in total) Commentary for each Aspect Appendix of suggested workshop models Glossary and References Draft
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 9 Key Stakeholder Groups Policy Makers and Managers PDP Developers Academic Staff Learning Technologists Careers and/or Employability Staff Quality Review Teams Educational Developers Students and their Reps PSBs and Employers
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 10 The 14 Aspects of PDP A.Strategy and Planning for Implementation B.Model, Design and Branding C. Evaluation, Review and Quality Enhancement D. Promotion & Introduction E. Engaging Academic Staff F. Engaging Undergraduate Students G.PDP in the Discipline Context H. Embedding & Assessment I. Support for Reflection & Action Planning J. Progression & Development K. Benefits for Students L. Employability & Employment M. Portability, Lifelong learning & CPD N. Engaging Postgraduate students & Post doctoral staff
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 11 Using the Toolkit Users may wish to: Focus on a specific Aspect in detail with the aim of enhancing PDP provision in that area Bring together stakeholder groups to discuss Aspects or SAQs relevant to their roles (we provide a mapping table) Run workshops with specific aims in relation to PDP (we provide 4 models)
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 12 Mapping of Aspects to Stakeholder Interests
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 13 The Project’s Aims & Objectives ‘This is a significant collection and arrangement of information and discussion. This is exactly the sort of documentation this field needs.’ ‘I wish I’d had this when I started my job! And I will use it, even in draft form.’ ‘Useful document overall - if I had to write a policy I would find this type of document very helpful.’ ‘Generally a very useful toolkit, clearly outlined, specific and well thought through.’ ‘Really useful for policy makers/managers and practitioners.’ ‘Overall I felt that this was a very useful document for helping different stakeholder groups to take stock of their institution’s PDP strategy and policy in terms of the HEI’s provision and implementation’ March 09 The Project’s Aims & Objectives Reviewer Comments
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 14 Sample introduction & SAQs Refer to handout page 1: Aspect E: engaging academic staff
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 15 Introductory text to set the scene 10 – 16 Self-assessment questions (SAQs), each framed to support reflection on current and potential practice 5 ‘key strategic SAQs’ are highlighted for each Aspect Themed under subheadings within Aspects to facilitate focussed discussion Users can identify important SAQs, or be led via a workshop approach Can discuss actual or potential approaches Structure of an Aspect
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 16 Sample Commentary Refer to handout page 2: Aspect E: engaging academic staff
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 17 Each Aspect has a commentary Short mini-review that introduces: –context and background –operational matters to be considered –issues to discuss –selected further reading Aim is to be stimulating, informing and to complement the QAA Guidance We provide some references to literature (84 citations in total) but not at all intended as exhaustive reviews Commentaries
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 18 Feedback – staff like the ‘idea’ of a Toolkit such as this and find content valuable The commentaries emerged from our realisation of the lack of common understanding of aspects of PDP Terminology and tone - the sensitivity of finding the right words to describe PDP processes to a diverse audience The sum – greater than its parts? Reflection
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 19 Over to you….. Feedback welcome!
PDP Consultancy Group Future Proofing PDP and ePortfolio event University of Reading 18 June 2009 Slide 20 Thanks ! Acknowledgements to: Heather Gibson (Development Officer, QAA Scotland) Alastair Robertson (Senior Advisor Scotland, HE Academy) Rob Ward (Director, Centre for Recording Achievement) Mark Atlay and the Bridges CETL team at the University of Bedfordshire Janet Strivens, (Senior Associate Director, Centre for Recording Achievement) Ruth Lawton (Teaching Fellow for Employability, Birmingham City University) Attendees of the CRA/HE Academy/QAA Scotland PDP Forum meetings, 13th June 2008, Glasgow, and Dundee, October 24th 2008 Attendees at the 8th CRA Residential Seminar, Manchester, November 21st 2008 Attendees at the Scottish Employability Co-ordinators Group, Glasgow, 2nd July 2008