SROI Report Card: Year Ending March
Renaissance: Social Mission Overview SROI Report Card: Year End March GoalsMethodsSuccess Metrics Provide job skills training and employment placement to people with employment barriers Help participants at end of employment placement to access mainstream job market and/or formal education system Be a leader in sustainable reusing practices of clothing and other consumer goods Deliver six month skills training program (Reintegration Program) accredited by Emploi Québec – to eligible participants Provide ‘real world’ employment placements in retail, office administration, maintenance, shipping and handling Provide specialized training, personal counseling and post training follow up to assist participants transition into mainstream employment Continually improve collection and sorting practices to create access for low income people to modestly priced, reused consumer goods Maintain an 80% or better employment placement/return to school rate after program completion Continue to generate an operating profit while running a successful employment training program Continue to be recognized as a Bruntland enterprise in Québec Re-sell 35% or more of reused goods collected in network of stores Sell at least 95% of remaining goods to recycling operations Ensure that 5% or less of collected goods goes to landfill
Enterprise: Renaissance Quebec Location: Montreal, Quebec Date of Inception: 1994 Overview of Target Participant/Employee Group 76% women – newly arrived to Quebec 41% between the ages 23 – 35 years old 57% have no income of any kind 29% on government income support 41% have little or no relevant job experience in Quebec 23% have low educational level 17% have behavioural problems 136 target participants went onto employment after completing Reintegration Program: 64%(93) to full time employment 32%(43) to part time employment $9.02 average hourly wage for next job 26 target participants went onto further education after completing Reintegration Program: 38%(10) went on to high school 42% (11) went onto college or specialized professional training 19% (5) went on to university 18 target participants did not go onto employment or education Overview of Business Unique societal and workplace integration model that transitions people with employment barriers into the workforce Achieved 1,661 placements since 1994 Increased sales from last year by 19% Introduced new MDS (Mission Development Services) system to refine business model, standardize processes and improve monitoring Improved quality of participant job training which positively affected program participant retention Fripe-Prix stores convened breakfast meetings and guided store tours to over 60 local stakeholder groups as part of the Semaine des entreprises d’insertion (Oct 2007) Financial Performance Total Sales Revenue:$6,468,976 Total Grants, Gifts and Subsidies (GGS):$130,022 Total Emploi Quebec Service Contract $2,797,833 /Social Support Infrastructure: Total Sales,GGS and Government Contracts: $9,396,831 Total Operating Profit (Loss)$663,505 Total Investment:$ 2,264,350 Social Return On Investment Average Change in Societal Contribution (Target Participants (TP)):$ Annual Number of TP Completed 6 Month Reintegration Program:180 Current Year Cost Savings to Society:$ 964, Current Year SROI43% Societal Payback Period:2.3 Years Cumulative (past 4 years) Cost Savings to Society:$3,822, Annuity Multiplier:13.4 Present Value of Total Cost Savings to Society over 30 Year:$9,044, Projected Long Term SROI: 399% Employment & Education Outcomes Sustainable Livelihood Highlights (sample group: 40) 100% of participants who filled out survey questionnaire responded that they received the personal support they needed throughout the program 88% felt able to do an independent job search by end of the program 95% felt ready to integrate into another job at the end of the program SROI Report Card: Year End March
Definitions and Methodology Total Investment Required Represents all cash injections in the business Average Change in Societal Contribution (Target Employees) Difference between the direct societal “cost” or “benefit” contributed by the employee before hire versus after hire Current Year SROI Return on investment generated by the current year change in target employee financial position Current Year Cost Savings to Society Dollars saved that year by employing target group and eliminating or lessening government financial assistance Societal Payback Period The number of years it would take for the social returns to equal the financial investment Annuity (long term) Multiplier Projected value of sustained employment and ongoing income tax contributions generated by past participants in the future Projected Long Term SROI SROI generated by extrapolating the ongoing % of people (70%) who will stay employed over the next 30 years Total operating losses + Grants and Subsidies + Additional Social Support Infrastructure = Total Investment Required Annual Government Financial and/or Social Service Assistance Before Hire - Annual Income Tax Paid Before Hire + Annual Income Tax Paid After Hire – Continued Government Financial Assistance after hire / Number of Target Employees in Sample Group= Average Change in Societal Contribution Current Year Cost Savings to Society / Total Investment Required =Current Year SROI Average Change in Societal Contribution x Number of Target Employees completed Employment Program in Current Year The calculation is the inverse of the Current Year SROI or: Total Investment Required/Current Year Cost Savings to Society A multiplying factor that attempts to estimate the value that can be attributed to (a reasonable percentage of) past participants of the Renaissance integration program maintaining employment over the long term. This ‘annuity multiplier’ accounts for the fact that the net benefits to society associated with a social enterprise continue to accrue to over time Ongoing Cost Savings to Society * annuity multiplier /Total Investment Required (current year) Data Gathering Process Used a proxy measurement from Renaissance Year End 2007 SROI report ( $ ) plus an additional 3% to account for inflation to represent the Average Change in Societal Contribution. Used Renaissance post reintegration program outcome data for all participants instead of drawing a sample Drew results from Renaissance’s survey questionnaire with 40 program participants for sustainable livelihood highlights SROI Report Card: Year End March