MAYONNAISE AND DERIVATIVES INGREDIENTS: 1 L. 4 egg yolks 1 L. Olive oil A few of vinegar or lemon, salt, mustard, and warm water. Pre-processing: Prepare the ingredients and utensils Whisk the yolks, add vinegar and season MATERIAL Corrodible container and rod Preparation: While beating, add the oil in thin stream and water required. Check the salt, vinegar and preserved in the cold Applications As a basis for other sauces To dress and accompany cold dishes
Part of tartar and a Green Derivatives Puree spinach, watercress, tarragon, parsley, chives, chervil. GREEN SAUCE Brunoise gherkin, capers, egg, onion and parsley TÁRTAR SAUCE MAYONNAISE Part of tartar and a Green VINCENT SAUCE Ketchup, orange juice, brandy, Tabasco, Lea & Perrins PINK SAUCE
Capers, gherkin,chervil, tarragon, parsley and julienne of egg whites. Derivatives Capers, gherkin,chervil, tarragon, parsley and julienne of egg whites. estragón, perejil y . Griviche sauce Mounted with yolks cooked mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Mustard, capers, pickles, chervil, parsley, anchovy essence, tarragon RÉMOULADE SAUCE Mayonnaise BONDING MAYONNAISE Gelatin Tomato sauce, egg yolk, bell pepper and parsley. ANDALUSIAN SAUCE