November 2015 Assembly Meeting ¡Bienvenida!
MEETING AGENDA (Structured) Introductions/Roll Call Community Agreements Advisor/Grad Div./S.A. Dept. Reports Executive Committee Officer Reports Action Items
MEETING AGENDA (Free Flowing) Announcements o GSA Representative Reports Discussion o Suggestions moving forward
MEETING Introductions o GSA Executive Committee o Hilary Long, new GSA Administrative Manager o Don Lubach PhD., GSA Advisor o Christian Villaseñor, Assistant Dean, Graduate Division Roll Call o Academic Departments Present
MEETING Community Agreements (examples) o Respect the Speaker o Cell Phones o Be Engaged o Step Up/Step Back o Others? Our Intentions Conducting Our Meetings This Year
GSA Administrative Manager Report Hilary Long
GSA Advisor Don Lubach
Student Affairs Report Miles Ashlock - How do Department Reps get their GSA Funds?
UCSB Graduate Division Career and Professional Development November Programming: From Application to Offer: HFA/SS/GGSE Academic Job Search Panel Discussion: Tuesday, November 3. Panel discussion with divisional deans on the ins and outs of conducting an academic job search. CV and Cover Letter for Faculty Jobs Workshop: Wednesday, November 4, 10 to 11:30 a.m., SRB Multipurpose Room. Writing Peer Kyle Crocco and Professional Development Coordinator Shawn Warner Garcia will answer questions about CVs and cover letters and provide feedback on participants’ documents. Dissertation and Thesis Filing Workshop: November 17, 10 a.m. to noon, SRB Multipurpose Room. Rickie Smith, Director of Academic Services, will walk participants through the filing process. IRB Workshop: November 19, 3 to 4:30 p.m., SRB Multipurpose Room. Co-hosted by the Office of Research, workshop on the IRB approval process. Graduate Writers’ Room: Tues. & Thurs., 9 a.m. to noon; Wed. 1 to 4 p.m., SRB For the latest news and information on events relevant to graduate students, subscribe to the GradPost ( Questions about professional development resources, or suggestions for events? Please contact Robert Hamm
UCSB CAREER SERVICES Lana Smith-Hale o Graduate Student Consultant
PRESIDENT’S REPORT GSA Executive Committee Vacancy o VP Communications & Records o Process for Replacement o Interested? GGSE Dean Search Committee OJA Search Committee Halloween Recap o Never in all my years…. o If you experienced anything unsavory or foul please CA Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education o THIS SATURDAY, November 7th! A Big Deal! Volunteer! Million Student March o November 12 th, 12 PM o Over 90 Universities across the country o Letter
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Minutes/Exec Reports/Transparency o We are transitioning on multiple levels Technology Upgrades o Don?? New Banner o Being designed based off current logo Andres “Andy” Sanchez o Personal Goals o Mural o Student Resource Building o Leaving the GSA better than we found it How can we work more effectively and collaboratively?
External Affairs Attended October Board meeting in Riverside, CA: o Million Student March on November 12: Free public colleges, $15 minimum wage for college workers and forgiveness of student loan debt. All the different campuses are organizing events so we can participate and support those events here on campus. Working on Master Task List for our graduate agenda Currently addressing legislative work with our Government Relations Director. Attended monthly Food security Working Group meeting.
External Affairs Read journal and opinion articles written by graduate students from University of California campuses on a variety topics like diversity in higher education, professional development, advising, sexual assault, teaching assistant concerns, and more! VIEW THE JOURNAL : grad-journal/ 015-grad-journal/
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SYSTEM-WIDE COMMITTEE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SYSTEM-WIDE COMMITTEE BOARS – Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools · 1 graduate student UCIE – University Committee on International Education · 1 graduate student UCEP – University Committee on Educational Policy · 1 graduate student UCOLASC – University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication · 1 undergraduate student · 1 graduate student UCOPE – University Committee on Preparatory Education · 1 graduate student ICC – Intersegmental Coordinating Committee · 1 undergraduate student · 1 graduate student SMHOC – Student Mental Health Oversight Committee · 1 graduate student APPLICATION DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 4 th ! The application is available on the UCSA website:
Students of Color Conference SOCC is the oldest systemwide conference, entering its 27th year, and is the first time at UC Berkeley since SOCC provides a safe space for students of color and their allies to strategize around statewide and campus- based actions. 8-member Delegation
GSA Legislative Director! Job Description o Oversee the development and implementation of grassroots legislative campaigns on campus. o Serve as the voting proxy for the VP of External Affairs at University of California Student Association (UCSA) board meetings. o Speak in UCSA board space. o Attend closed UCSA sessions, including the Student Regent Interviews. Responsibilities o Attend UCSA BOD meetings, and the UC Student Lobby Conference. o Organize local lobbying activities. o Attend as many BOD meetings and participate in the BOD as much as possible. Maintain regular communication with the UCSA Government Relations Director and other LD's. o Maintain regular communication with District offices near the campus. $1500 stipend and all travel expenses will be pay through external VP budget.
To apply, please indicating your interest and answering all of the following questions by November 15, 1.Why do you want to be a Legislative Liaison and what do you think are the most pressing issues facing graduate students? 2.What experience do you have in legislative/lobby work? 3.How familiar are you with UCSA and its lobby work? 4.Are you available to attend all UCSA Board Meetings?
Student Affairs
VP Academic Affairs Officer Report Still Soliciting Input for Teaching Award Lunch and Learn Update
VP Budget and Finance Officer Report GSA Lock-In Fees – 2015/2016 Expected Income General Account $111,032 ($96, current balance) Emergency Grants $25,577 ($24, current balance) Childcare Grants $25,619 ($53, current balance) Travel Grants $29,266 Food Bank $5,310 Summer Bus Passes $6,313
General Expenses GSA Lounge and Operations Committee Stipend $ 9,000.00Maintenance $ 1, Co-Sponsorships $ 6,000.00Supplies (Office and Printing) $ 2, Service Awards $ Communication (Emma, Meet Up, etc.) $ 1, Teaching Awards $ 4,100.00Legal Services $ Department Rebates $ 5,000.00OSL Accounting $ Total $ 24,400.00Computer Services (POP inventory) $ 1, Events, Food, and Beverage Officer Retreat $ Bagel Hour $ 12,500.00Election Expenses $ 1, General Assembly Meetings $ 3,000.00Total $ 9, Happy Hour + Other $ 2,000.00Payroll New Graduate Student Reception $ 2,400.00Officer Stipent $ 42, Spring Beach Party $ Lounge Employee $ 15, Spring Social $ 2,000.00Legislative Liason Stipend $ 1, Mosher Time $ 2,000.00Mosher Time Employee $ Total $ 24,650.00Administrative Manager (GSA pays 50%) $ 10, External Affairs Total $ 69, External Affairs Travel $ 10,250.00General Account Summary UCSA Dues $ 4,000.00Total Budgeted Amount $ 142, President Travel $ 1,000.00Projected Income + Current Balance $ 207, Total $ 15,250.00Projected End Balance $ 65, Proposed Budget for General Account
Co-Sponsorship Approval Process The eligibility criteria will be strictly adhered to. - The organization must be registered with the Office of Student Life (OSL) and be able to provide an OSL account number. - The event must provide a means for graduate students to enrich their educational experience at UCSB. The executive committee will provisionally approve or deny all co- sponsorships prior to the assembly meeting based on the eligibility requirements and budgetary restrictions. GSA Assembly Meeting Procedure -VPBF will present the financial state of the co-sponsorship fund. -VPBF will summarize all co-sponsorships for the month -A representative of each co-sponsorship application will introduce the group and event as a way of advertising to the graduate community. Assembly member are requested to pass this information on to their departments. -The assembly will batch ratify all co-sponsorships for the month.
Organization - Indian Association of Santa Barbara (I.A.S.B.) President Tanmoy Sanyal Event – Garba and Dandiya Night October 18 th at the UCSB Hub Predicted Attendance – 200 Amount Requested - $300 Food, Water, Napkins - $200 Sound Equipment Rental - $70 Decorations - $30
Organization – UCSB Library Event – UCSB Reads JUST MERCY: A STORY OF JUSTICE AND REDEMPTION by Bryan Stevenson Early 2016 Amount Requested - $500
Committees and Planning (ComPlan or VPCP) Officer Report (5 minutes) Survey. Survey! SURVEY!1!!1! o Social Events Ongoing Committees Need YOU! 3 Unpaid GSA Reps should be receiving 2015W / 2015S committee stipends any day now :)
ACTION ITEMS GSA Budget Co-Sponsorships Student Advisor Resolution Ucen II Mural Project Student Resource Building