Liz Sargeant Managing Director Hunts Health Pilot GP Commissioning Consortia If you have any questions please Elizabeth Sargeant on
Challenges/Opportunities Commissioning for increasing demand with reducing resources Needs to be radically different Managing Peers – Standardisation where appropriate, federations, from corner shops – corporate behaviour Focus on outcomes - public/patients driven Step out of and understand the whole system as commissioners Individual needs and population needs, Build social capital within communities Link to Total Place, localism agenda New world for GP’s and primary care teams step outside the practice become part of the community in which primary care sits
Integrated System Patients/Citizens PrimarySecondaryMental HealthCommunity ServicesVoluntaryIndependent/Private Community Development
Stepped Care Model Information, advice and signposting – community support and development Primary and Community Care Intermediate Care Care Homes, Supported Housing Acute Care (DGH) Specialist MH Care (IP) Tertiary Care
New Model Proactive case management Work with patients and their families as citizens within their communities rather than dependent patients Engage with patients/families/carers to be experts for themselves and others Ensure flexible, timely easy to access support and care when needed Give patient and family/carers control by accessible advice, information and signposting from initial diagnosis Surgeries - focus of communities using them innovatively with other community resources
New Services Commissioned Support for Alzheimers Society working with Primary Care Working with County Council – libraries etc to utilise local resources – Total Place budgeting Primary Care IAPT service for older people Case finding/Care Management Early intervention and support for people with dementia and their carers Support in acute hospital to ensure appropriate care and support discharge planning Flexible Intermediate Care Tier - with 24 hour care available when needed Support to residential and nursing homes Continuing Health Care at home if that is what people want